How to Display Values from Database Tables

Hi I’m new here and hope to get some help.

I have a Wordpress membership site. I’ve added a new field in the registration form so people can add a Group Name when registering. The group name shows in the User Profile. I want to show other people’s email address on the User Profile page that have joined with the same Group Name. That way, that Group can communicate with each other.

The data is being recorded to the wp_usermeta table. In the meta_key column I have “user_group” and in the meta_value column, I have something like “Group A” which would be entered by the user at registration. In the meta_key column I have “user_email” and in the meta_value column, the user’s email address.

I’ve played with “Select * FROM wp_usermeta WHERE meta_value=(whatever the group name is)” but I don’t know how to get all the email addresses of the group displayed.

Can someone help me or point me in the right direction?


Is there someone who could respond with a solution or point me in the right direction so I can figure it out?

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