How to create bootstrap tabs?

Below is the code for table containing both tabs

     <select id='Select'>
	<option value='Tab1'>Outstation</option>
	<option value='Tab2'>City Local</option>	

           <div class="tab-pane active" id="Tab1">Home content
               <li class="active">
                  <a href="#roundtrip_tbl">Round Trip</a>
                  <a href="#oneway_tbl">One Way</a>

       <form method="POST" action="">
           <div id="roundtrip_tbl">
                <table style="max-width:880px" border="1" bordercolor="#c1dde4" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" id="roundtrip_tbl_travel" >
                   <tr class="accombg">
                       <td colspan="4" align="center"><strong>Round City Local Travel</strong></td>
                       <td colspan="4" align="center"><strong>Date and Time </strong></td>      

                  <tr class="accombg">
                     <td align="center">Origin <span class="redtext">* </span >                     
                      <td align="center">Pick Up Point <span class="redtext">*</span><p><span class="accombgsmalltext"> </span></p></td>
                     <td style="min-width:50px;max-width:50px" align="center">Pick up Date<span class="redtext">*</span></td>
                     <td width="60" align="center">Pick Up Time</td>    .
                      <td align="center">Drop Off Loc <span class="redtext">*</span><p><span class="accombgsmalltext"> </span></p></td>                        
                      <td align="center">Drop Point <span class="redtext">*</span><p><span class="accombgsmalltext"> </span></p></td>

                 <tr class="sectionbg" id="jsTravelRoundDet">
                                 <input type="text" size="10" name="round_travel_det[dep_rplace][]" id="dep_place" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo $emp_det['off_location']; ?>" class="jsTravelCls jsCityCls"/>

                        <input type="text"  name="round_travel_det[dep_rcity][]" id="dep_city" style="width:80px;"  class="jsTravelCls" />

                         <input style="min-width:80px;max-width:80px" type="text" name="round_travel_det[dep_date][]" value="" id="assigned_date" class="assigned_date" />

                          <select name="round_travel_det[time_zone3][]" style="max-width:50px"  class="jsTravelCls">
                           foreach ($time_zone as $tme_zone) {
                             echo "<option value=\"" . $tme_zone . "\">" . $tme_zone . "</option>";

                <select name="travel_det[arr_place][]" style="width:110px;" onchange="showForm19(this.value, this, 'arr_place');" id="arr_place" class="jsTravelCls jsCityCls">
                 <?php foreach ($city_list as $key => $value) { ?>
		<?php if($label == '' || $value['group_name'] != $label) { ?>
		<?php if($group) { ?>
	<?php } ?>
	<optgroup label="<?php echo ($value['group_name'] == 'INDIA') ? 'DOMESTIC': $value['group_name']; ?>" class="grey">
	$group ++;
	$label = $value['group_name'];
	} ?>
	<option <?php echo (in_array($value['name'], $city_sens)) ? "style='color:red'" : ''; ?> value="<?php echo $key ?>" ><?php echo $value['name'] ?></option>
	<?php } ?> 
	<optgroup label="Others">
	<option value="Others">Others</option>
                 <input type="text" name="round_travel_det[arr_rcity][]" id="arr_city" style="width:80px;"  class="jsTravelCls"/>

                  <p id="addnew">
                    <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="addlinks" onclick="addTravelRow_1()"> + Insert Row </a> 

             <p id="delrow_t" >
                <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="addlinks" onclick="delIt('roundtrip_tbl_travel')"> - Delete Row </a>
       <div id="oneway_tbl">
          <table style="max-width:880px" border="1" bordercolor="#c1dde4" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" id="oneway_tbl_travel">
                <tr class="accombg">
                    <td colspan="4" align="center"><strong>One Way Travel</strong></td>
                     <td colspan="4" align="center"><strong>Date and Time </strong></td>

                <tr class="accombg">
                   <td align="center">Origin Location <span class="redtext">* </span></td>
                    <td align="center">City Pick Up<span class="redtext">*</span><p><span class="accombgsmalltext"> (Pick up Point)</span></p></td>
                  <td style="min-width:50px;max-width:50px" align="center">Pick Up Date<span class="redtext">*</span></td>
                    <td width="60" align="center">Pick Up Time</td>
                     <td align="center">Drop Off Location<span class="redtext">*</span></span><p><span class="accombgsmalltext"></span></p></td>
                    <td align="center">Drop off City<span class="redtext">*</span><p><span class="accombgsmalltext"> (Drop Point)</span></p></td>

             <tr class="sectionbg" id="jsTravelOneWayDet">
                          <input type="text" size="10" name="oneway_travel_det[dep_oplace][]" id="dep_place" readonly="readonly" value="<?php echo $emp_det['off_location']; ?>" class="jsTravelCls jsCityCls"/>

                       <input type="text" name="oneway_travel_det[dep_ocity][]" id="dep_city" style="width:80px;"  class="jsTravelCls" />

                      <input style="min-width:80px;max-width:80px" type="text" name="oneway_travel_det[dep_date][]" value="" id="assigned_date" class="assigned_date" />

                       <select name="oneway_travel_det[time_zone3][]" style="max-width:50px"  class="jsTravelCls"> 
                            foreach ($time_zone as $tme_zone) {
                            echo "<option value=\"" . $tme_zone . "\">" . $tme_zone . "</option>";

		      <select name="travel_det[arr_place][]" style="width:110px;" onchange="showForm19(this.value, this, 'arr_place');" id="arr_place" class="jsTravelCls jsCityCls">
			<?php foreach ($city_list as $key => $value) { ?>
			<?php if($label == '' || $value['group_name'] != $label) { ?>
			<?php if($group) { ?>
		<?php } ?>
		<optgroup label="<?php echo ($value['group_name'] == 'INDIA') ? 'DOMESTIC': $value['group_name']; ?>" class="grey">
		$group ++;
		$label = $value['group_name'];
		} ?>
		<option <?php echo (in_array($value['name'], $city_sens)) ? "style='color:red'" : ''; ?> value="<?php echo $key ?>" ><?php echo $value['name'] ?></option>
		<?php } ?> 
		<optgroup label="Others">
		<option value="Others">Others</option>
           <input type="text"  name="oneway_travel_det[arr_ocity][]" id="arr_city" style="width:80px;" class="jsTravelCls"/>

JavaScript code

<script type="text/javascript">
  $('#Select').on('change', function (e) {
	$('#' + $(this).val()).show();

This is how I am getting but I want in form of tabs as in Jquery “Tabs | jQuery UI

In this form I am not getting

Are you actually using bootstrap?

Yes I am using Jquery

That doesn’t mean you are using Bootstrap. They are two separate things.

Sorry I meant bootstrap tabs. Actually I need to use dropdown to show the tabs as shown in the last screenshot. I have two options “Outstation” and “City Local”. All I need is to show the tabs form onclick of the dropdown options

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