How to call a function from within another function

Everything is working except the save_info() function called from the load_info function not saving to the database.

// This function will save information to an existing account
function save_info($dbh, $table, $pname, $pip, $pnp, $pop, $psp)
		$stmt = $dbh->prepare("UPDATE $table SET p_ip=?, p_np=?,p_op=?,p_sp=? WHERE p_name=?");
		echo "1";
	catch (PDOExecption $ex)
			echo "0";
	$dbh = null;

// This function will pull account information
function load_info($dbh,$table,$pname)
		$stmt = $dbh->query("SELECT * FROM $table WHERE p_name = '$pname'");
		$result = $stmt->fetchObject();
		if ($result->p_ip > $result->p_np)
		echo 'yes';
	    if ($result->p_ip = $result->p_np)
		save_info($dbh, $table, $pname, $pip, $pnp, $pop, $psp);	

Looks like those values are missing?

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