how do i merge these 2 codes?

I am trying to create a table listing like this:

problem | solution
pr1      | sol1
pr1      | sol2
pr1      | sol3
pr2      | sol4 

from 3 mysql indexes:

autoID | problemID | solutionID
1      | 1           |1
2      | 1           |2
3      | 1           |3
4      | 2           |4

autoID | problem
1      | pr1
2      | pr2

autoID | solution
1      | sol1
2      | sol2 

i have 2 pieses of code, the first piece populates the problem part:

	while ($i < $num)
		$result = mysql_query("SELECT problem FROM problems WHERE autoID = '$problemID' ") or die(mysql_error());
		$row = mysql_fetch_array( $result );
		$problem = $row['problem'];

		//$result = mysql_query("SELECT solution FROM solutions WHERE autoID = '$solutionID' ") or die(mysql_error());
		//$row = mysql_fetch_array( $result );
		//$solution = $row['solution'];

		<TABLE width="100%" border="1">
			<TD width="10%"><a href=""><? echo $problem; ?> </a>
			//<TD width="10%"><a href=""><? echo $solution; ?> </a>

and the second piece gets the corresponding solutions from the mysqldb:

$sql = "SELECT autoID, solution_indexID FROM mainindex WHERE solution_indexID = 1";
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
while( $row=mysql_fetch_row($result) )
  $found[] = $row[1];
mysql_free_result( $result );

foreach( $found as $solution )
    echo $solution."\n";

but i am at a loss in combining the two.
Can anybody help me, or when my approach is totally wrong, correct me?

I cant seem to edit my original post, but the first line of the last piece should be

$sql = "SELECT autoID, solutionID FROM mainindex WHERE problemID = 1";

Try this:

$query = “SELECT *
FROM mainindex
LEFT JOIN problems
ON mainindex.problemID = problems.autoID
LEFT JOIN solutions
ON mainindex.solutionID = problems.autoID
ORDER BY mainindex.autoID ASC”;
$result = mysql_query($query);
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
print ‘’;
echo ‘’;
echo ‘’;
print ‘’;
Problem Solution
’ . $row[‘problem’] . ‘’ . $row[‘solution’] . ‘

Let me know if it does what you need.

Red. :wink:

Just spotted a mistake in my query…

this line: ON mainindex.solutionID = problems.autoID
should be: ON mainindex.solutionID = solutions.autoID

Sorry, my bad! :-[

That worked as a charm
Thank you so much, I would not have been able to do this myself and now i can finally start understanding joins :slight_smile:

Glad you got it working, always happy to help.
Red. :wink:

I do actually have one more question.

Not all problems have a solution, and, allthough it sounds weird, not all solutions have a problem, and they are not listed right now.
Is there a way to list those as well?

nvm… i was to quick with my question, i can just use identifiers for empty solutions/problems. solved :smiley:

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