I have tried everything to change font.
example the font verdana for $row[mystring], how do
I change it. please help
while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
echo "$row[mystring] ";
echo “”;
I have tried everything to change font.
example the font verdana for $row[mystring], how do
I change it. please help
while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
echo "$row[mystring] ";
echo “”;
I have tried these to no avail…
echo ‘’.’("".$mystring[$i+1]."")’.’’;
//echo ‘’.$myclans[$i]."…".$mystring[$i+1]."".’’;
//echo ($myclans[10]."…".".$mystring[11]."");
please help
<?php $option1 = Your; $option2 = Text; $option3 = Here; ?> <?php echo $option1 ?> <?php echo $option2 ?> <?php echo $option3 ?> [/php]thats works with changing colors but what about the font change.
Just adjust to style to what you want.
Thanks for responding, Sorry I should have told what I was doing. I am working on this new font I embed on the server, and it works with
echo ("<font face’Dinefont’>" test string"</font");
Some how it does not work on drop down or any with option value
this is how I embed the font and this is no problem
@font-face { font-family: Dinefont; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; src: url(http://www.gomyson.com/CENTURY0.eot); } -->the font does not work, the colors and bkground colors works,
Put the class in the select then
option1 [/code]what class? , dont I need font family:myfont inside the select to see the font change.
This class I have never set one up , could it be at the top?
the .inpBox in the style is the class
You the man dude… it worked now I can finish this page