Host updated PHP v5.x to PHP v7.4, no longer fetching data from MySql table

I am gettijng problem since Host updated PHP v5.x to PHP v7.4 = No Longer is Fecthing # of entries in mySQL TABLE “nfo_images” and displaying them on index.php (half way down) as an echo $total; This used to work. Check

I have split your post into a separate thread. No matter how similar your problem may be to an existing thread, you need to start your own threads for your problems.

You will need to post all your code. less any database connection credentials, for anyone here to have a chance at helping. There are just too many possibilities that could be preventing the code from working.

The only help we can give at this point is to recommend that you set php’s error_reprorting to E_ALL (it should always be this value), temporarily set display_errors to ON, and set the error mode for the database extension you are using to use exceptions for errors.

You should also be using php8+. Php7.x is no longer in support.

I’m not sure what the link you posted has to do with your problem?

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