hey help with a register page and access database

hey guys can I ask a massive favour and for you to help me with this PHP code.

I’m designing a website at the moment for a Uni project, at the minute I’m stuck with the register page, users have to register before they can use the website.

Here is the code, when i click on the submit button, all that is returned is a blank page no info, and no error messages I was just wondering if anyone could give me a hint as to here I’m going wrong.

Untitled Document <?php $Username = $_POST["txtusername"]; $Firstname = $_POST["txtuserfirstname"]; $LastName = $_POST ["txtuserlastname"]; $Password = $_POST ["txtpword"]; $EAddress = $_POST ["EAddress"]; $CPassword = $_POST ["CPassword"]; $Cemail = $_POST ["Cemail"];

$adoCon = new COM(“ADODB.Connection”);

$here = dirname(FILE);
//echo $here;
{ $adoCon->Open(“Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=$sHere\home\sites\www.un3t.com\public_html\uni\rich\RichardHemmingsFYPDatabase.mdb”);

// home/sites/www.un3t.com/public_html/uni/rich/RichardHemmingsFYPDatabase.mdb
catch(Exception $e)

{ print" error $e ";
die(‘Sorry - Problem opening the database.


(“INSERT INTO tblusers (First Name, Last Name, User Name, E-Mail, Confirm E-mail, Password, Confirm Password)
VALUES (’$Firstname’,’$LastName’,’$Password’,’$EAddress’, $CPassword’, ‘$Cemail’)”);


$adoCon = null;


Thanks guys for any help if you can help me


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