This is a good start:
And I found this just around the corner:
As far as I know, files included from a remote server have to match certain criteria to be included as an actual PHP script (and even then, I believe they’re being processed on the remote server, rather than on your including server).
You can use the following ways to include a file (where file a.php is being included by file b.php):
// File a.php in /
// File b.php in /
include (‘a.php’);
include (’/a.php’);
// File a.php in /includes
// File b.php in /
include (‘includes/a.php’);
include (’/includes/a.php’);
// File a.php in /
// File b.php in /processes
include (’…/a.php’);
include (’/a.php’);
// File a.php in /php/includes
// File b.php in /php
include (‘includes/a.php’);
include (’/php/includes/a.php’);
// File a.php in /php
// File b.php in /php/processes
include (’…/a.php’);
include (’/php/a.php’);
// File a.php in /php/includes
// File b.php in /php/processes
include (’…/inclues/a.php’);
include (’/php/includes/a.php’);
include (’…/…/php/includes/a.php’);