help with php script for mobile checkout

I need to add parameters to include a telephone number option and url for the purchaser to enter when making a purchase with the below mobile website checkout script, i need to know how and where to add the parameters,

I hace tried a few options but with out success,

Any help would be appreciated,

<?php require_once 'PaypalMobile.php'; require_once 'Curl.php'; $paypal = new PaypalMobile(); /** * configuration for both sandbox and live NVP */ $config['env'] = 'dev'; if ($config['env'] != 'live') { $config['paypal']['api']['user'] = ''; $config['paypal']['api']['pass'] = ''; $config['paypal']['api']['signature'] = ''; $config['paypal']['api']['endpoint'] = ''; $config['paypal']['api']['url'] = ''; } else { $config['paypal']['api']['user'] = ''; $config['paypal']['api']['pass'] = ''; $config['paypal']['api']['signature'] = ''; $config['paypal']['api']['endpoint'] = ''; $config['paypal']['api']['url'] = ''; } $config['paypal']['api']['version'] = '3.0'; /** * give our library our config */ $paypal->setApiVersion($config['paypal']['api']['version']) ->setApiUrl($config['paypal']['api']['endpoint']) ->setApiUser($config['paypal']['api']['user']) ->setApiPass($config['paypal']['api']['pass']) ->setApiSignature($config['paypal']['api']['signature']); // SetMobileChechout if (!isset($_REQUEST['token']) || $_REQUEST['token'] == '') { /** * Optional params * * $params['email'] = ''; // email to propagate the login page with * $params['phonenum'] = ''; // phone number to propagate the login page with * $params['taxamt'] = ''; // tax * $params['shippingamt'] = ''; // shipping * $params['number'] = ''; // internal item number * $params['custom'] = ''; // internal returned data * $params['invnum'] = ''; // unique invoice number * $params['addressdisplay'] = '0'; // 1|0 require address * $params['sharephonenum'] = '1'; // 1|0 return customers mobile number * $params['shiptocity'] = ''; // city to propogate address form with * $params['shiptostate'] = ''; // state to propogate the address form with * $params['shiptocountry'] = ''; // country to propogate the address form with * $params['shiptozip'] = ''; // zip to propogate the address form with */ $response = $paypal->setAmt('0.50') ->setCurrencycode('GBP') ->setDesc('Mobile Website Design') ->setReturnurl('http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) ->setCancelurl('http://') ->setMobileCheckout($params); if ($paypal->getResponseStatus()) { /** * forward user off to paypal */ header('Location: '.$config['paypal']['api']['url'].urldecode($paypal->getToken())); } else { /** * error!! */ echo 'ERROR

// DoMobileCheckout
} else {

	$response = $paypal->setToken($_REQUEST['token'])

	 * success!!
	if ($paypal->getResponseStatus()) {


	 * Returned data
	 * $response['email']					// buyers email address
	 * $response['payerid']					// unique buyer id
	 * $response['payerstatus']				// status of buyers email
	 * $response['countrycode']				// country code
	 * $response['business']				// buyers business name
	 * $response['phonenum']				// buyers phone number
	 * $response['salutation']				// buyers salutation
	 * $response['firstname']				// buyers first name
	 * $response['middlename']				// buyers middle name
	 * $response['lastname']				// buyers last name
	 * $response['suffix']					// buyers suffix
	 * $response['custom']					// internaly returned data
	 * $response['invnum']					// returned unique invoice number
	 * $response['transactionid']			// external transaction id
	 * $response['parenttransactionid'] 	// used for cancels and reversals
	 * $response['receiptid']				// external receipt id
	 * $response['ordertime']				// current date and time
	 * $response['amt']						// order amount
	 * $response['currencycode']			// currency code		
	 * $response['feeamt']					// processing fee deducted
	 * $response['exchangerate']			// exchange rate for currency conversion
	 * $response['transactiontype']			// send-money
	 * $response['paymentstatus']			// Completed, Pending, or Reversed
	 * $response['reasoncode']				// used for reversals
	 * $response['name']					// buyers shipping name
	 * $response['shiptostreet']			// buyers shipping address
	 * $response['shiptostreet2']			// buters shipping address 2
	 * $response['shiptocity']				// buyers shipping city
	 * $response['shiptostate']				// buyers shipping state
	 * $response['shiptocountry']			// buyers shipping country
	 * $response['shiptozip']				// buyers shipping zip
	 * $response['shiptophonenum']			// buyers shipping phone number
	 * $response['addressowner']			// eBay or PayPal
	 * $response['addressstatus']			// None, Confirmed, or Unconfirmed

	} else {
		 * error!!
		echo 'ERROR


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