Help needed with contact form code

Hi, i’m having trouble getting my form to work. When pressing the send button, there is no response at all unless the fields have not been field out then it will give you required field message. So any help is appreciated.

The form code:

Say Hello!

Fields marked * are mandatory. NOTE: Contact Forum is disabled for now, Please use e-mail link to your left.

*This is not a valid name. *This field is required. *This is not a valid email address. *This field is required. *This is not a valid phone number. *This field is required. Message *The message is too short. *This field is required.
Contact form submitted!
We will be in touch soon.
send clear

Remove the brackets




sweet! Thanks bro!

Hey Kevin, i removed the brackets but still no response from the form. Here is my action code is everything proper with it?

<?php // EDIT THE 2 LINES BELOW AS REQUIRED $send_email_to = "[email protected]"; $email_subject = "message from my site"; //GET FIELDS FROM YOUR HTML FORM, THE NAME PROPERTY IS PASSED IN THE $_POST ARRAY //E.G IF YOU HAVE A FIELD WITH name="email" YOU'LL GET THE VALUE IN PHP SCRIPT //LIKE BELOW $email = $_POST['email']; $name = $_POST['name']; $phone = $_POST['phone']; $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-type:text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" . "\r\n"; $headers .= "From: ".$email. "\r\n"; /*Customize your message here*/ $message = "Email = ".$email."
"; $message .= "Name = ".$name."
"; if(!empty($phone)) $message .= "Phone = ".$phone."
"; $message .= "Message =
"; @mail($send_email_to, $email_subject, $message,$headers); header('Content-type: text/json'); $return_array['success'] = '1'; echo json_encode($return_array); die(); ?>

Your “Submit” code doesnt work.

Try this:

Kevin, still nothing.

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