Help needed please

Hey, so i have a question to do, and it asks “Create a function called converter() that will take two arguments. The first argument will be upper, lower, or title. The second argument will be a string. The function should display the string in all uppercase, all lowercase, or as a title (that is, where the first letter in each word is uppercase as in, “Having Fun With Dick and Jane”). The function will be called like this: print converter(“title”, $string);” Create a textbox so the user can put in a input (string) and radio buttons so they can choose if they want the string to be uppercase, lowercase or title.

The code i have so far is

Untitled Document


<?php $string = "This is the string to convert. Oh My!";function converter( $string, $conversionMethod) { switch($conversionMethod) { case "upper": print strtoupper($string)."
"; break; case "lower": print strtolower($string)."
"; break; case "title": print ucFirst($string)."
"; break; case "words": print ucWords($string)."
"; break; default: print $string."
"; break; } }echo "This is the string to convert:

";echo "This is the string converted to all upper capitalization:
".converter($string, "upper")."
";echo "This is the string converted to all lower capitalization:
".converter( $string,"lower")."
";echo "This is the string converted to a title format:
".converter($string, "title")."
";echo "This is the string converted to each word capitalized:
".converter($string, "words")."
"; ?>


But the radio buttons wont say what there called, and when i input a string nothing happens. Also when i preview the page, it just says This is the string to convert: This is the string to convert. Oh My!THIS IS THE STRING TO CONVERT. OH MY!This is the string converted to all upper capitalization: this is the string to convert. oh my!This is the string converted to all lower capitalization: This is the string to convert. Oh My!This is the string converted to a title format: This Is The String To Convert. Oh My!This is the string converted to each word capitalized:

How do i fix this? Thanks.

Formatted your code so it’s readable:

$string = “This is the string to convert. Oh My!”;
function converter($string, $conversionMethod) {
switch($conversionMethod) {
case “upper”:
print strtoupper($string)."
case “lower”:
print strtolower($string)."
case “title”:
print ucFirst($string)."
case “words”:
print ucWords($string)."
print $string."

echo “This is the string to convert:

echo “This is the string converted to all upper capitalization:
“.converter($string, “upper”).”
echo “This is the string converted to all lower capitalization:
“.converter( $string,“lower”).”
echo “This is the string converted to a title format:
“.converter($string, “title”).”
echo “This is the string converted to each word capitalized:
“.converter($string, “words”).”

I don’t see where you are ever checking for submitted form values?

For example:
[php]$string = “This is the string to convert. Oh My!”;[/php]

Should be:
[php]$string = $_POST[‘string’];[/php]

You need to rename the radio names to match your switch cases - e.g. “Upper” != “upper”

You also need to rename the radio because “submit” is already taken.

Then your function calls would need to use the radio value.

[php]converter($string, $_POST[‘myRadioName’])[/php]

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