Help Installing PHP in Apache

Respected Sir/Madam,
I wanted to host my own server from a desktop that’s why installed Apache. As my pages includes PHP functions I needed to install PHP in the server but could not done it any way. I tried many attempts from many online sources but nothing worked just an error message came up saying “YOUR REQUEST OPERATION HAS FAILED”

Even tried instructions from php support but failed.

I took instrictions from WIKI HOW

The application I downloaded

  1. Apache httpd-2.2.21-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi
  2. PHP php-5.2.17-Win32-VC6-x86.msi

Installation folder: C:/program files/apache and …/php

I fallowed these steps…

Configuring Apache 2.2.8
Now that you have successfully installed both apache web server and php scripting language your next most important task is to configure them so that they can recognize each other.
Go to your apache installation path, and then open httpd.conf which is located under the conf directory “C:\Program Files\apache\conf” double click on httpd.conf file. Find (ctrl+F) ‘loadmodule’. After the last line of the loadmodule section type: LoadModule php5_module [php]C:/Program Files/php/php5apache2_2.dll[/php]
After you have done look for and then add the following lines
[php]AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps[/php]
Before the closing statement for mime_module
After that on the same page find and then add DirectoryIndex indes.html index.php before if it already does not exists.
Add the following line[php] “PHPIniDir C:/Program Files/php”[/php] to the bottom of the file.
After you have done that save the file and close it.

Configuring PHP 5.2.5  
    Inside the folder [php]C:\Program Files\php find php.ini-recommended[/php] Open php.ini  file and then inside the file find the following and replace it as follows:
        doc_root = C:\Users\[my name]\Documents\[My websites folder]**though I didn't found it in the file anywhere.
        [php]extension_dir = C:\Program Files\php\ext[/php]
    Save it. After that go to Start menu->> All Programs ->> Apache HTTP Server 2.2 ->> Control Apache Server ->> Restart. This should restart the apache server.

But nothing actually worked at all and same error message came up “YOUR REQUEST OPERATION HAS FAILED

I hope you will help me.
Thanking you, Sunbeam!

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