get raw html table

I have table(s) whose contents can be


1004 QUES The first 5 terms of a sequence are -18, -12, -6, 0, 6. If this an AP find 10th term: Q
Given: For a sequence, t1 = -18, t2 = -12, t3 = -6, t4 = 0, t5 = 6 AS1
To Find: Whether the sequence is an AP. If so, the 10th term i.e. t10. AS2
Solution: For the given sequence,  AS3
t2 - t1 = -12 - (-18) = -12 +18 From given AS4
∴ t2 - t1 = 6 ….(1) AS5
t3 - t2 = -6 - (-12) = -6 + 12 From given AS6
∴ t3 - t2 = 6 ….(2) AS7
t4 - t3 = 0 - (-6) = 0 + 6  From given AS8
∴ t4 - t3 = 6 ….(3) AS9
t5 - t4 = 6 - 0 = 6 ….(4) AS10
∴ t2 - t1 = t3 - t2 = t4 - t3 = t5 - t4 = 6 from (1), (2), (3), (4) AS11
∴ The difference between the consecutive terms is constant AS12
∴ The given sequence is an AP with  AS13
the first term = a = -18 and common difference = d = 6 ….(5) AS14
Now For an AP, tn = a + (n - 1) d  AS15
∴ t10 = -18 + (10 - 1)(6) Substituting values AS16
∴ t10 = -18 + (9)(6) AS17
∴ t10 = -18 + 54 AS18

I want to remove elements like

height=“21” style=“height:15.75pt”

so that I will get table raw table

some information 1
some information 2
some information 3
some information 4

In other words

I want only

instead of

How is this a php issue? or did i not understand the question?

Dear All

Yes this is PHP .
Something to do with php

A command

$head = preg_replace("#(.)(.?)(.*)#is", ‘$2’, $data);

helps to retrieve data between and

how do i get only (remove the data between these two tags)

I need to do this using php because data from excel is cut and pasted into text area

and looks like

1004 QUES The first 5 terms of a sequence are -18, -12, -6, 0, 6. If this an AP find 10th term: Q
Given: For a sequence, t1 = -18, t2 = -12, t3 = -6, t4 = 0, t5 = 6 AS1
To Find: Whether the sequence is an AP. If so, the 10th term i.e. t10. AS2
Solution: For the given sequence,  AS3
t2 - t1 = -12 - (-18) = -12 +18 From given AS4
∴ t2 - t1 = 6 ….(1) AS5
t3 - t2 = -6 - (-12) = -6 + 12 From given AS6
' [/php]

I know there are solutions to make csv and then upload but here data is ready in database (cut and pasted from excel file

What I want to achieve is

Seperate all rows and columns
and store them in a database table
every html row in database table row
and every chtml table column in database table column

Dear All

using following commands i could remove text/data between

and text/data after "<table ........

$cat = preg_replace(’/<tr.>/’, " ", $data);
$cat1 = preg_replace(’/<table.>/’, "

", $cat);


I want to seperate all data between

and store them in array

pls help


Dear All


using following code

$str1 = preg_replace(’/height.*?>/’, '> ', $data);
echo “

str1 after replace”.htmlentities($str1);

$str1 = preg_replace(’/width.*?>/’, '> ', $str1);
echo “

str1 after replac width e”.htmlentities($str1);

I just want to mention this can easily be done using PHP’s built in XML functions. If I have time I will post an example on Monday.

Dear m@tt

after lot of R&D I could clean up html table

The table is

5 ';

$trstr = preg_replace(’/<tr.?>(.?)</tr>/s’, ‘$2’, $html);
echo htmlentities($trstr);[/php]

this removes

but i want to store each row in separate array

pls help

1004 QUES The first 5 terms of a sequence are -18, -12, -6, 0, 6. If this an AP find 10th term: Q
1005 QUES5555555 The 555555555555 5 terms of a sequence are -18, -12, -6, 0, 6. If this an AP find 10th term: Q
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