general info needed

hi there…i’m using easyphp to develop my system…my friend recemen me to use xampp…and he say that its easy compare to easyphp…but after i download…i found that it totaly different from easyphp and found some diffulities in xampp…even i dont know how to go my login page…so…guyz…just want to ask ur opinions…which one is better easyphp or xampp…?please help me…

I learned Java using Textpad. When I got hired where I work now, they told me to use Eclipse. I found Textpad easier than Eclipse, even though Eclipse was more advanced and better for Java.

My point is, use whatever you think is best for you, and whichever IDE you find best suited for you.

I have not tried easyPHP, but I have tired XAMPP. Didn’t keep it long. Not bad but I prefer WAMP.

It is just a matter of preferance, but I have always liked and used WAMP.

good luck!

I myself use USB Webserver. The website is half finished, and mostly in English, and there’s an English version of the program downloadable @10.8MB. Version 6 features PHP 5.1.6, MySQL 5.0, Apache 2.2.0 for win32 and PHPMyAdmin 2.9.0rc1 (though I never use PHPMA). No installation required, just run the executable :) It’s pretty userfriendly, but as a trade-off, lacks in customization options from the GUI (but that’s nothing a half-decent programmer can’t fix in the .ini files). I currently use it from a 128MB USB drive as a portable DEV environment.

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