Function - limit ticket submission

Is there an easy way to add a field into posts or ticket posts so that a certain amount of tickets can be submitted per user (and then submissions won’t work)?

I guess that depends on your current set-up/system… and if you track WHO is submitting tickets.

Normally you would get the ID of the user who is submitting the ticket (system ID, email…etc… something unique)… and then you check your DB to see how many submissions that ID/email (whatever) has submitted.

Then either allow or deny their submission or even access to the form.

Well the automation part is another need. I am using woo commerce and woo commerce support ticket. When items are purchased a ticket option shows up in the user menu. I would like the ticket limit to be identified in the product. I would like the support tickets to be sent to the product author or through a function based on the product id. If you can give me an example of a function, I can see if I can get it working - or if you would like access to my site, just let me know.

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