For the love of god help me; Displaying Tick or Cross.

Hi everyone;

I have finally given up trying to get this REALLY simple peice of code to work. I have litterly been tearing my hair out but this is sooo simple; I really must be overlooking something.

The idea is to form relationships between people via 2 tables (Which I have working).

Users table with ALL users Information and another table for friendship-links.

ID = you
FriendID = the friend.

So; if your ID = 1 and FriendID = 4 AND status = 1; you can view the profile information and display a little tick box in the search tools.

But if status = 4 or empty; it displays a little cross and “Unban” or “invite”.

Here is the code;

PLEASE, for the love of god someone help me.

					$settingsSql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$_SESSION[user_id]'"); 
							while ($settings = mysql_fetch_array($settingsSql)) { 
								$country = $settings['country'];
								$town = $settings['town'];
								$sex = $settings['sex'];
								$available = $settings["availability"];
					$matchSql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE country='$country'"); 
					while ($match = mysql_fetch_array($matchSql)) {
					$FriendID = $match['id'];
		echo "<tr>";
		echo "<td><img src='".$match['imagelocation']."' width='25px' height='25px'></td>";
		if ($match["availability"] == '1') { 
					echo "<td><img src=\"images/tick.png\" width=\"12px\" height=\"12px\" title=\"Available\"></td>"; 
							} else {
								echo "<td><img src=\"images/cross.png\" width=\"12px\" height=\"12px\" title=\"Not Available\"></td>"; }
		echo "<td><a href=\"popup.details.php?id=".$FriendID."\" onclick=\"'popup.details.php?id=".$FriendID."','popup','width=300,height=300,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,toolbar=no,directories=no,location=no,menubar=no,status=no,left=50,top=0'); return false\">".$match['user_name']."</a></td>";								
		echo "<td>".$match['town']."</td>";
		echo "<td>".$match['sex']."</td>";
		echo "<td>SPORTS</td>";
		echo "<td>".$match['nationality']."</td>";
		echo "<td>";
			echo "<select name=\"select\" id=\"select\">";
				$GetListSQL = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_list WHERE user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'");
					while ($GetList = mysql_fetch_array($GetListSQL)) {
						echo "<option value=\"".$GetList['list_id']."\">".$GetList['title']."</option>";	
			echo "</select>";
		echo "</td>";
		[b]$CheckListSQL = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_friends WHERE user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'");
			while ($CheckList = mysql_fetch_array($CheckListSQL)) {
					if ($CheckList['friend_id'] === $FriendID) {
						echo "<td><img src=\"images/tick.png\" width=\"12px\" height=\"12px\" title=\"Already Friends\"></td>";
					if (empty($CheckListSQL)) {
						echo "<td><img src=\"images/cross.png\" width=\"12px\" height=\"12px\" title=\"Not Friends\"></td>";	
		echo "<td><form><a href='new_message.php?message_to=". $match['id'] ."'><img src='images/message.png' width='25' height='25' /></a></form></td>";
		echo "</tr>";
			echo "<tr>";
				echo "<td colspan=\"10\"><hr /></td>";
			echo "</tr>";

I have highlighted the issue section. This is the first stage of code I came up with. Right now; the code is long and messy so I want to keep it as Simple as possible.

“Less is more”; so the less code there is, the better it will be. :slight_smile:

Kind regards and a thanks if you can help me out.

More to the point:

This is the problem code:

$CheckListSQL = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users_friends WHERE user_id = '$_SESSION[user_id]'");
			while ($CheckList = mysql_fetch_array($CheckListSQL)) {
					if ($CheckList['friend_id'] === $FriendID) {
						echo "<td><img src=\"images/tick.png\" width=\"12px\" height=\"12px\" title=\"Already Friends\"></td>";
					if (empty($CheckListSQL)) {
						echo "<td><img src=\"images/cross.png\" width=\"12px\" height=\"12px\" title=\"Not Friends\"></td>";	
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