Error Finding URI

My PHP-errors.log file has grown to 70+ GB out of nowhere. I deleted it and started reading the errors before it reached 20+MB, and here is a sample:

[code][20-Sep-2010 09:17:05] PHP Warning: virtual(): Unable to include ‘includes/head.php’ - error finding URI in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\gafelk\index.php on line 1

[20-Sep-2010 09:17:05] PHP Warning: virtual(): Unable to include ‘includes/topnav.php’ - error finding URI in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\gafelk\index.php on line 203

[20-Sep-2010 09:17:05] PHP Warning: virtual(): Unable to include ‘includes/footer.php’ - error finding URI in C:\Apache2.2\htdocs\gafelk\index.php on line 207[/code]

When I preview the page, everything looks fine?

Here are the snippets from those lines:

Line 1: <?php virtual('includes/head.php'); ?>
Line 203:<?php virtual('includes/topnav.php'); ?>
Line 207: <?php virtual('includes/footer.php'); ?>
Any help to get this problem sorted out would really be appreciated.


As a quick solution, you can turn Off warnings in your php.ini - find option error_reporting and set it to:

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_WARNING

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