directed page retrieve user_id from login page

When a user login, he/she will be directed to the page based on his/her user type… I’ve already accomplished that.

Now, how to make the page recognize the user_id(auto-increment from user table) so that i can post some of the user information and so on?


function checkUserType($type)
case ‘admin’:
$page = ‘admin.php’;

	case 'student':
	$page = 'student.php';
	case 'lecturer':
	$page = 'lecturer.php';
	case 'parents':
	$page = 'parents.php';

header('Location: '.$page); //You may need to edit the path to suit your folder structure.


function checkUserStatus($actual_page)
//First check to make sure the $_SESSION[‘type’] is set, if it’s not then they haven’t logged in so redirect back to login screen
{ header(‘Location: index.php’); }
if($actual_page == $_SESSION[‘type’]){}
else{ checkUserType($_SESSION[‘type’]); }

index.php (login page)

[CODE]<?php session_start(); ?>

Login Form
	<td align='center'>Username:</td>
	<td><input type='text' name='username' /></td>

	<td align='center'>Password:</td>
	<td><input type='password' name='pass' /></td>

	<td colspan='5' align='center'><input type='submit' name='login' value='Log In' /></td>

<?php mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("class_attendance");

$username = $_POST[‘username’];
$password = $_POST[‘pass’];

$check_user = "select * from user where username='$username' AND pass='$password'";

$run = mysql_query($check_user);

$results = mysql_fetch_assoc($run);
    $_SESSION['type'] = $results['type'];
else {
echo "<script>alert('Username or Password is incorrect!')</script>";





require_once(‘function.php’); //Set this to what ever page you include that holds all your functions so that we can use the checkUserStatus()

Student Page



Member Login

Line 48 in index.php

So in student.php you could just do something like this
$studentId = !empty($_SESSION[‘user_id’]) ? $_SESSION[‘user_id’] : null;
$studentInfo = getStudentInfoFromId($studentId);[/php]

the function must of course fetch and return the data from the DB.

Be warned that your code is highly vulnerable to sql injection.

thanx for replying…

so what do you mean by the function must of course fetch and return the data from the DB?

and i think i need to set this getStudentInfoFromId 1st right because $studentInfo couldnt read it…

That you should make a function/method that accepts a user id, does a sql query and returns the user data.

No it should be in the order I wrote it.

ok i will try… so this function i must make it in the index.php?
and i dont need to edit something in the function.php right as its for detecting my user type?

You are going to call the function in student.php so you need it in the scope there, if you have it in student.php or functions.php is irrelevant :slight_smile:

ok i have no idea how to write it… =,=

Well if u dont want to spoon-fed me, giving me just the format also i’ll be appreciated…

Just started PHP/programming? ^^

you have already written a function in functions.php, and you have a sql query in index.php, it’s just a matter of combing them :slight_smile:

yeah… self learning… =,=

ok lets make this clearer… so the sql query in index.php is this one right…

[php] $_SESSION[‘user_id’]=$id;[/php]

but the function in function.php is about checking user type right?

so, in student.php i need to combing them using mysql_fecth_assoc or something?

Nope, you’ve got an example of a (vulnerable) query in index.php:
[php]$check_user = “select * from user where username=’$username’ AND pass=’$password’”;[/php]

The rest sounds right :slight_smile:

trying to experiment… and still got error… anyway, am i near to achieve it?

require_once(‘function.php’); //Set this to what ever page you include that holds all your functions so that we can use the checkUserStatus()

$check_user = function checkUserType($type)
mysql_fetch_assoc( $check_user);
$studentId = !empty($_SESSION[‘user_id’]) ? $_SESSION[‘user_id’] : null;
$studentInfo = getStudentInfoFromId($studentId);


Student Page



Not really, you should read up on php functions and mysql usage

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