Desperate PHP student...

Greetings and Salutations,

My name is Jason. I’m a 36 year old design student and right now, learning PHP is all that stands in front of my and my Associates degree…next stop my Bachelors…unfortunately the course is structured a lot differently then the examples and the teaching in my book.

I was really excited to start working with PHP, but this course is quickly souring the entire experience by asking me to do things not covered in the book…which probably wouldn’t be hard if I had the chance to start more simple.

Anyway, I’m on my own and I need some serious help- which isn’t easy for me, because things usually come so natural to me- but jumping around between forums hasn’t been helpful, because everyone seems so more advanced then me…

So if you see me asking something in your new user forums, understand that it’s for a good cause and I desperately need some help.

Welcome to the Forum…

You just have to take it day by day and follow tutorials and ask for help when you get stuck. There's so many ways you can get the same task accomplished in PHP, there's always many right answers. As long as you have the desire and work on it and do it everyday, you'll excel at it.

Thanks for the encouragement, which right now is a lot more helpful then it seems. I’m really enthusiastic for learning php, but the way this class is structured it’s built up a wall making it hard to just learn it step by step. I know that I’ll eventually get it. I eventually understand everything I set out to learn.

I did go this weekend and buy a few books that seemed much better written then the course text, and I also added a Lynda video tutorial to my shopping cart…so hopefully this stuff will help ignite my understanding of how to do things :slight_smile:

At any rate, I know you’re right…and as soon as I finish this course, then I can just step back and learn this stuff the right way and eventually excel at it. Thanks for the positive energy!

I understand. It’s very annoying when the instructor picks a book that is different from what he/she is teaching. Fortunately there are forums like this and good books. I rely a lot on Amazon readers’ reviews. Just today I was about to buy a book and thought I’d better check Amazon. Good thing I did because it had all 1 star reviews because the editing had been so bad - many errors.

Welcome and good luck.

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