Database setup for large scale projects

I’m new to php/mysql

I planning to make a project which may have many users. One part of the project is that users have multiple, even hundreds, of pictures to their name. I was wondering how I should set up the tables for this. Should I do one image table that has all users and all their photos on it such as…


| user | imageID |

| dan | 20030492 |
| dan | 12344942 |
| dan | 22344442 |
| dan | 78998492 |
| dan | 78998992 |
| bob | 25674562 |
| bob | 26574492 |
| bob | 25675672 |
| bob | 67003092 |

or should I have a database for each user such as …


of course these aren’t the only columns that are going to be in the table. right now I have 5.

I was thinking that the first option may get too hectic if I have hundreds of users and then hundreds of photos for each. but then again I don’t know if the second option is smart to do.

What kind of relationship is there between the users and the photos? Is it 1xN or MxN? If 1xN, so photos can only belong to 1 user, then you could make a photos table with a user column in it. If MxN, you’ll have to use a translation table, otherwise you’ll have a tough road to walk :)

I don’t really know what your asking : I’m new to mysql. the images have ids, which are relative to their date. such that Jan 02, 2008 = “20080102”. it goes year month day. However more than one user can have the same image id. Bob can have 20080101 and Dan can have 20080101. I don’t know if that had anything to do with what you were saying


I believe what Zyppora is asking is if each picture will be associated with only 1 user (1xN) or if each picture can be associated with multiple users (MxN).

If each picture will only be associated with 1 user, then you can just have an images table that contains the info about the image (id, location, etc) and a column that references a user id. You should not design the database in a way that you are storing redundant data. Meaning that if you are storing the users name, address, etc. over and over again, you should rethink the design. So for example, a table like:

| user | imageID | user_address

| dan | 20030492 | 123 fake st
| dan | 12344942 | 123 fake st
| dan | 22344442 | 123 fake st
| dan | 78998492 | 123 fake st
| dan | 78998992 | 123 fake st
| bob | 25674562 | 456 fake st
| bob | 26574492 | 456 fake st
| bob | 25675672 | 456 fake st
| bob | 67003092 | 456 fake st

Would be a bad design.

In this instance, it would be better to have a table of users:
| user | userID | user_address

| dan | 1 | 123 fake st
| bob | 2 | 456 fake st

and a separate table of images that references the users through a userID:
| userID | imageID |

| 1 | 20030492 |
| 1 | 12344942 |
| 1 | 22344442 |
| 1 | 78998492 |
| 1 | 78998992 |
| 2 | 25674562 |
| 2 | 26574492 |
| 2 | 25675672 |
| 2 | 67003092 |

This way you are not storing redundant info (like the address) multiple (or hundreds) of times.

Hope this helps.

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