Customizing Email Messages


I am using WordPress with WooCommerce and the New User Approve plugin. I have intergrated the New User Approve plugin with WooCommerce with the help of a tutorial I found.

The New User Approve plugin generates and sends out various emails in regards to the user’s registration.

Please see below the code from the plugin itself:


 * The default email message that will be sent to users as they are approved.
 * @return string
function nua_default_approve_user_message() {
	$message = __( 'You have been approved to access {sitename}', 'new-user-approve' ) . "\r\n\r\n";
	$message .= "{username}\r\n\r\n";
	$message .= "{login_url}\r\n\r\n";
    $message .= __( 'To set or reset your password, visit the following address:', 'new-user-approve' ) . "\r\n\r\n";
    $message .= "{reset_password_url}";

	$message = apply_filters( 'new_user_approve_approve_user_message_default', $message );

	return $message;

 * The default email message that will be sent to users as they are denied.
 * @return string
function nua_default_deny_user_message() {
	$message = __( 'You have been denied access to {sitename}.', 'new-user-approve' );

	$message = apply_filters( 'new_user_approve_deny_user_message_default', $message );

	return $message;

 * The default message that will be shown to the user after registration has completed.
 * @return string
function nua_default_registration_complete_message() {
	$message = sprintf( __( 'An email has been sent to the site administrator. The administrator will review the information that has been submitted and either approve or deny your request.', 'new-user-approve' ) );
	$message .= ' ';
	$message .= sprintf( __( 'You will receive an email with instructions on what you will need to do next. Thanks for your patience.', 'new-user-approve' ) );

	$message = apply_filters( 'new_user_approve_pending_message_default', $message );

	return $message;

 * The default welcome message that is shown to all users on the login page.
 * @return string
function nua_default_welcome_message() {
	$welcome = sprintf( __( 'Welcome to {sitename}. This site is accessible to approved users only. To be approved, you must first register.', 'new-user-approve' ), get_option( 'blogname' ) );

	$welcome = apply_filters( 'new_user_approve_welcome_message_default', $welcome );

	return $welcome;

 * The default notification message that is sent to site admin when requesting approval.
 * @return string
function nua_default_notification_message() {
	$message = __( '{username} ({user_email}) has requested a username at {sitename}', 'new-user-approve' ) . "\n\n";
	$message .= "{site_url}\n\n";
	$message .= __( 'To approve or deny this user access to {sitename} go to', 'new-user-approve' ) . "\n\n";
	$message .= "{admin_approve_url}\n\n";

	$message = apply_filters( 'new_user_approve_notification_message_default', $message );

	return $message;

 * The default message that is shown to the user on the registration page before any action
 * has been taken.
 * @return string
function nua_default_registration_message() {
	$message = __( 'After you register, your request will be sent to the site administrator for approval. You will then receive an email with further instructions.', 'new-user-approve' );

	$message = apply_filters( 'new_user_approve_registration_message_default', $message );

	return $message;

Thing is I want to change them to have the template / email customization to match with the ones sent out by WooCommerce like in the code below:

<?php if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit; ?>

<?php do_action('woocommerce_email_header', $email_heading); ?>

<p><?php echo sprintf(__("Yay! Your account has been approved. You can now login here: %s.", 'woocommerce'), make_clickable(esc_url( wc_get_page_permalink('myaccount')))); ?></p>

        <li><?php echo sprintf(__('Username: %s', 'woocommerce'), $user_login); ?></li>
        <li><?php echo sprintf(__('Password: %s', 'woocommerce'), $user_pass); ?></li>

<p><?php echo sprintf(__("Thanks for registering with %s!", 'woocommerce'), $blogname); ?></p>

<div style="clear:both;"></div>

<?php do_action('woocommerce_email_footer'); ?>

I just don’t know how to go about doing this.

Please will someone help me. I just want all generated emails to have the same look.

Would really appreciate it!

  1. Install both plugins on your WordPress site.

  2. Go to the settings page of your user approval plugin and configure it to your specific needs.

  3. Add a hook to your user approval plugin that will trigger when a new user is approved.

  4. Within this hook, add a line of code that calls the custom email plugin to send an email notification to the newly approved user.

  5. Test the setup to make sure everything is working correctly

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