Currency conversion function in javascript/jquery

This php script converts product currency by currency
Can we do the same in javascript/jquery

function convert($cf,$urun,$secilen_paracinsi_id)
	// if the product currency is the same as the selected currency, return the product price
	if($product['para_birimi'] == $secilen_paracinsi_id)
		return $urun['b_fiyati'];
	// the currency_unit is different, convert the price
	// if the product currency|selected currency matches a from|to entry in $cf, multiple by the factor
	$index = $urun['para_birimi'] .'|'. $secilen_paracinsi_id;
		return $urun['b_fiyati'] * $cf[$index];
	// if the selected currency|product currency matches a from|to entry in $cf, divide by the factor
	$index = $secilen_paracinsi_id .'|'. $urun['para_birimi'];
		return $urun['b_fiyati'] / $cf[$index];

Of course you can, using very similar syntax.

It would probably be better if the product/urun array input is broken into separate price and currency_unit parameters, so that the function call has - the cf array of conversion factors, the input price/b_fiyati, the input currency_unit/para_birimi, and the selected/secilen_paracinsi_id currency output.

Are you dynamically building the $cf array from a database query or is it hard-coded?

Here, the only syntax differences are in the . vs + concatenation operator and isset vs in -


// $cf is an array containing the conversion factors - the from|to values are used as an index and the cf (conversion factor) is the value
// you would query the conversion database table to build the following array of data
$cf = [];
$cf['USD|TL'] =	5.8313;
$cf['EURO|TL'] = 6.4087;
$cf['USD|EURO'] = .9030;

// produce javascript object with the cf data
const cf = <?=json_encode($cf)?>

function convert(cf, price, currency_unit, selected_currency)
	// if the product currency is the same as the selected currency, return the product price
	if(currency_unit == selected_currency)
		return price;
	// the currency_unit is different, convert the price
	// if the product currency|selected currency matches a from|to entry in cf, multiple by the factor
	var index = currency_unit + '|' + selected_currency;
	if(index in cf)
		return price * cf[index];
	// if the selected currency|product currency matches a from|to entry in cf, divide by the factor
	index = selected_currency + '|' + currency_unit;
	if(index in cf)
		return price / cf[index];

// example usage
console.log(convert(cf, 10, 'USD', 'TL').toFixed(2));

console.log(convert(cf, 10, 'EURO', 'TL').toFixed(2));

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It comes from the database
This is how I get $cf['USD|TL'] = 10.000 for use in php codes
exactly as you wrote :grinning: :+1:
I am trying

I added it this way, no problem, right?
return price.toFixed(2);

function convert(cf, price, currency_unit, selected_currency)
	// if the product currency is the same as the selected currency, return the product price
	if(currency_unit == selected_currency)
		return price.toFixed(2);
	// the currency_unit is different, convert the price
	// if the product currency|selected currency matches a from|to entry in cf, multiple by the factor
	var index = currency_unit + '|' + selected_currency;
	if(index in cf)
		return (price * cf[index]).toFixed(2);
	// if the selected currency|product currency matches a from|to entry in cf, divide by the factor
	index = selected_currency + '|' + currency_unit;
	if(index in cf)
		return (price / cf[index]).toFixed(2);

When the page is loaded in edit mode I’m getting it inside the variable like below
Saved data from database
price = ‘250’;
currency_unit = ‘USD’;
“selected_currency” returns the selected currency to convert with the select option
sample TL

$("#ucret").val(convert(cf, price, currency_unit, newval));

Thank you very much again

Hello again,
It converts the currency but not back to the original currency I wonder where did I go wrong

If the default currency and the selected currency are the same, set “price * 1” in the field and it will return to the original currency.
interesting situation

if(currency_unit == selected_currency)
	return price * 1;
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