Create and read data from a file


I’ll try to break this down as much as I can.

I want to create a website where the user answer a few questions, which gets saved to a textfile, for example:
Question: What time is it?
Answer: It’s 6 pm.

How it would look inside the textfile:

What time is it?
It’s 6pm.

Also, I want the user to be able to upload an image when answering a question, for example:
Question: Could you take a photo of your clock?
Answer: uploads picture.

How it would show up in the text file:

Could you take a photo of your clock?

Also, I want this to be saved to a file which can beaccessed later by an admin(for example), the admin would then be able to comment the answer, and send it back to the user.

Here’s an example:

User login to his page(login function done), gets two options: “answer question” and “see corrected answers”. When user chose the “answer question” option, he gets redirected to a page where he answers a few questions, the questions gets saved to a textfile, which the admin then will be able to see when logging in to his page and chosing “see questions answered by user”. The admin select the option, reads the answers, correct them, and then sends them back to the user, who will be able to view them by choosing “see corrected answers”.

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