CMS Script - Membership - Stripe Cron Recurring issue

Hi All, Happy New Year to you all.

I purchased a script for a cms and within this it has a feature for memberships by subscription.

The person who wrote the script has not been very helpful at all. The script manages users and subscriptions with stripe. He told us that the recurring payments are all handled by a cron file. We run the cron file each night just before midnight. It should take a recurring payment for all those people who have a monthly recurring subscription.

However, what is happening is the script is removing all the expired members from the database, and it should renew any person who has a recurring payment. BUT IT IS NOT.

The script is removing all the members whos account have expired but it fails to take any payment.

The script uses stripe for payments.

I wonder if anyone can see from the code below what is going on. I think the way the file runs (but I am not totally sure) is it removes the expired memberships and then as it has done this it thinks there are no renewals. When you run a file for a job in php does the script follow the order of the code within it?

Also, I noticed that on the stripe code it has the currency set to USD when it should be GBP as we are in the UK.

If you look a the code that the script runs when they first sign up and then compare it to the code for the renewals you can see it is different.

Can anyone help me, as the developer is no help at all and keeps telling me he has fixed it, when he has not as no renewal has taken place at all.

The code for the first part when the user signs up is as follows:

//Create a client
$client = \Stripe\Customer::create(array(
“description” => App::Auth()->name,
“source” => $token[‘id’],
//Charge client
$row = Db::run()->first(Membership::mTable, null, array(“id” => $cart->mid));
$charge = \Stripe\Charge::create(array(
“amount” => round($cart->total * 100, 0), // amount in cents, again
“currency” => $key->extra2,
“customer” => $client[‘id’],
“description” => $row->{‘description’ . Lang::$lang},

Then we was told by the developer that this file should be run on a cron job using wget, which we have set up and it runs fine but does not do anything with the stripe recurring payments.

Cron File:

define("_WOJO", true);


Then there is a cron.class.php file which seems to contain the information for stripe

class Cron

   * Cron::Run()
   * @return
  public static function Run($days)
      $data = self::expireMemberships($days);
   * Cron::expireMemberships()
   * @param integer $days
   * @return
  public static function expireMemberships($days)
          $sql = "
      SELECT, CONCAT(u.fname,' ',u.lname) as fullname,, u.mem_expire, AS mid, m.title 
        `" . Users::mTable . "` AS u 
        LEFT JOIN `" . Membership::mTable . "` AS m 
          ON = u.membership_id
      WHERE = ?
      AND u.membership_id <> 0
      AND u.mem_expire <= DATE_ADD(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $days DAY);";
          $result = Db::run()->pdoQuery($sql, array("y"))->results();
          if ($result) {
          $query = "UPDATE `" . Users::mTable . "` SET mem_expire = NULL, membership_id = CASE ";
          $idlist = '';
          foreach ($result as $usr) {
              $query .= " WHEN id = " . $usr->id . " THEN membership_id = 0";
              $idlist .= $usr->id . ',';
          $idlist = substr($idlist, 0, -1);
          $query .= "
              WHERE id IN (" . $idlist . ")";
   * Cron::sendEmails()
   * @param array $data
   * @return
  public static function sendEmails($data)
          if ($data) {
          $numSent = 0;
          $mailer = Mailer::sendMail();
          $mailer->registerPlugin(new Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin(100, 30));
          $core = App::Core();
              $tpl = Db::run()->first(Content::eTable, array("body", "subject"), array('typeid' => 'memExpired'));
              $replacements = array();
          foreach ($data as $cols) {
              $replacements[$cols->email] = array(
                  '[COMPANY]' => $core->company,
                  '[LOGO]' => Utility::getLogo(),
                  '[NAME]' => $cols->fullname,
                  '[ITEMNAME]' => $cols->title,
                  '[EXPIRE]' => Date::doDate("short_date", $cols->mem_expire),
                  '[SITEURL]' => SITEURL,
                  '[DATE]' => date('Y'),
                  '[FB]' => $core->social->facebook,
                  '[TW]' => $core->social->twitter,
              $decorator = new Swift_Plugins_DecoratorPlugin($replacements);
              $message = Swift_Message::newInstance()
                  ->setFrom(array($core->site_email => $core->company))
                  ->setBody($tpl->body, 'text/html');
              foreach ($data as $row) {
              $message->setTo(array($row->email => $row->fullname));
              $mailer->send($message, $failedRecipients);
   * Cron::runStripe()
   * @param bool $days
   * @return
  public static function runStripe($days)
      $sql = "
   as uid,
            CONCAT(u.fname,' ',u.lname) as name
            `" . Membership::umTable . "` AS um 
            LEFT JOIN `" . Membership::mTable . "` AS m 
              ON = um.mid
            LEFT JOIN `" . Users::mTable . "` AS u 
              ON = um.uid 
          WHERE = ?
          AND um.recurring = ?
          AND TRIM(IFNULL(u.stripe_cus,'')) <> ''
          AND u.mem_expire <= DATE_ADD(DATE(NOW()), INTERVAL $days DAY)
          ORDER BY expire DESC;";
          $data = Db::run()->pdoQuery($sql, array(1, 1))->results();
          require_once (BASEPATH . 'gateways/stripe/stripe.php');
      $key = Db::run()->first(AdminController::gTable, array("extra"), array("name" => "stripe"));
          if ($data) {
          try {
              foreach ($data as $row) {
                  $tax = Membership::calculateTax($row->uid);
                  $charge = \Stripe\Charge::create(array(
                      "amount" => round(($row->price + $tax) * 100, 0), // amount in cents, again
                      "currency" => "usd",
                      "customer" => $row->stripe_cus,
                      // insert transaction
                  $data = array(
                      'txn_id' => $charge['balance_transaction'],
                      'membership_id' => $row->mid,
                      'user_id' => $row->uid,
                      'rate_amount' => $row->price,
                      'total' => Validator::sanitize($row->price * $tax, "float"),
                      'tax' => Validator::sanitize($tax, "float"),
                      'currency' => $charge['currency'],
                      'pp' => "Stripe",
                      'status' => 1,
                      $last_id = Db::run()->insert(Membership::pTable, $data)->getLastInsertId();
                      //update user membership
                  $udata = array(
                      'tid' => $last_id,
                      'uid' => $row->uid,
                      'mid' => $row->mid,
                      'expire' => Membership::calculateDays($row->mid),
                      'recurring' => 1,
                      'active' => 1,
                      //update user record
                  $xdata = array(
                      'membership_id' => $row->id,
                      'mem_expire' => $udata['expire'],
                      Db::run()->insert(Membership::umTable, $udata);
                  Db::run()->update(Users::mTable, $xdata, array("id" => $row->uid));
          catch (\Stripe\CardError $e) {


I noticed on this file that the currency section is not the same as the first file, so that led me to believe that was why nothing was happening as we deal in gbp only.

So, i changed this to gbp and ran the script manually, and all it did was remove the memberships from the users who were supposed to have a recurring payment.

So, my question can you see what is wrong with that code? I have been trying to get this developer to fix this for over a week now as we have a live website running and not taking a single recurring payment.

Please help in anyway you can?

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