Change Password Script Help

Hello. I have this change password script but when I type something into the existing password box and leave the new password and confirm new password box blank it says the password has been changed. If I type nothing in any of the boxes and submit it says all fields are required. I need it so you HAVE to use all 3 boxes for it to work. Also, if I do type in all 3 boxes it says the password has been changed but it doesn’t even change it. I have set it as SHA1 but still no luck, it still stays as the existing password.

[code]else if($_POST[‘submit’]==‘Doit’)
// Checking whether the Login form has been submitted

$err = array();
// Will hold our errors
	$_POST['password2'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password2']);
	$_POST['password3'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password3']);
	$_POST['password4'] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password4']);
	// Escaping all input data

if(!$_POST['password2'] || !$_POST['password3'] || !$_POST['password4'])
	$err[] = 'All fields are required.';

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM playerdata WHERE user='{$_SESSION['user']}' AND password='".sha1($_POST['password2'])."'"));
	  		if($_POST['password3'] == $_POST['password4'])
		  // If everything is OK login
		  		$pass = substr(sha1($_POST['password3']));
		  		mysql_query("	INSERT INTO playerdata(user,password)
		  		$_SESSION['msg']['change-success']='Your existing password has been changed. '.$pass;
	  		else $err[] = 'Your new passwords do not match.';
		// Store some data in the session			
  	else $err[]='You have entered an invalid existing password.';

$_SESSION['msg']['change-err'] = implode('<br />',$err);
// Save the error messages in the session



Sorry, here’s the script in PHP tag.

[php]else if($_POST[‘submit’]==‘Doit’)
// Checking whether the Login form has been submitted

$err = array();
// Will hold our errors
$_POST[‘password2’] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[‘password2’]);
$_POST[‘password3’] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[‘password3’]);
$_POST[‘password4’] = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST[‘password4’]);

  // Escaping all input data


if(!$_POST[‘password2’] || !$_POST[‘password3’] || !$_POST[‘password4’])
$err[] = ‘All fields are required.’;

$row = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM playerdata WHERE user=’{$_SESSION[‘user’]}’ AND password=’”.sha1($_POST[‘password2’])."’"));
if($_POST[‘password3’] == $_POST[‘password4’])
// If everything is OK login
$pass = substr(sha1($_POST[‘password3’]));
mysql_query(" INSERT INTO playerdata(user,password)

             $_SESSION['msg']['change-success']='Your existing password has been changed. '.$pass;
          else $err[] = 'Your new passwords do not match.';
     // Store some data in the session         
    else $err[]='You have entered an invalid existing password.';

$_SESSION[‘msg’][‘change-err’] = implode(’
// Save the error messages in the session


Wouldn’t you want to UPDATE the existing user instead of INSERT a new one?

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