Cannot read or write html files.

I can read an html file but I cant write the same data back to the file.

This is the file I read.

_District # <?echo "$dl[0]"?> <?echo "$dl[3]"?>"> " SELECTED><?echo "$ht[0] $ht[1]"?> add any comments<<

This is the file I write.

<form name="form2" method="post" action="process form.php">
<SELECT NAME="<?echo "$dl[1] $dl[2]"?>_District # <?echo "$dl[0]"?> <?echo "$dl[3]"?>">
<OPTION value="<?echo "$ht[0] $ht[1]"?>" SELECTED><?echo "$ht[0] $ht[1]"?></OPTION></select></td>
<center><textarea name="text" align=middle rows=5 cols=60></textarea>add any comments<<
<center><input type="submit" value="Click Here To Send Form"/>

I used these decodes but could not write the html code back to the file.

html_entity_decode ()

How can I write html code back to a file??
Clint Mason

Can you post your script, so i could take a look at your write function?

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