can you try fix my script ?

can you say me waht i do wrong ?


print(“text”); //here is my problem…
$s = str_split($_POST[“text”]); //here is my problem…

function rainbow($s)
$s = decolorize($s);
$s2 = “”;

$n = mb_strlen($s);
$j = ((6 * max(1, floor($n/$CONSTANT + rand() / getrandmax() * 2 - 1))) / $n) * (1 - 2 * (rand(0, 1)));
$f = rand() / getrandmax() * 6;
$p = 0;

for($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i)
$c = mb_substr($s, $i, 1);
if($c == “^”)
$c = “^^”;
if(mb_substr($s, $i+1, 1) == “^”)
if($c != " ")
list($r, $g, $b) = array($j, $j, $j);
$c = rgb_to_hexcolor($r, $g, $b) . $c;
$s2 .= $c;

return $s2;

waht i need is this

That code was just a PHP function - you still need to call it.

The code is supposed to print the console commands to run.

It gets input from $_POST[‘cmd’] and $_POST[‘text’].

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