attempt to saturation email and sgbd via a form in PHP

I have a form in php (name, adresse … and Email). Somebody is playing me a joke in sending me about 100 mails a day through my form. It’s a joke but at last not really funny.
What I am lookink for is lines of PHP codes which control the Email field into the form and would not allow the form to be sent.

If you have another solution it’s with a great pleasure I will accept it;
Thanks a lot
My english is definitively french. sorry about it

Here is extracts of the code :


Votre e-mail * :

…etc… ending with

Commentaires, observations ou demandes particulières : 

* : Champs obligatoires

As you see it’s very simple. If you need some more… Thanks

This is likely not a joke, this is an automated submission… Unfortunately this will never end until your form’s url is in spammers’ databases.

But you can prevent these automated submissions by adding Captcha to your form. This will require minor modification of your PHP code. I would recommend to use Google’s reCaptha. Once you sign up to this service (it’s free), you can download reCaptcha PHP library, and see code examples here:

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