Alter PHP to include multilangual support

Hey there,

I have been using a free wordpress theme for a while now with the multiluang plugin to enable my site to be viewed in English and in Dutch. This works perfectly except for the main page.
The main page features a slider and several columns which feature posts from a certain category. In the options tab of the theme (tech noise) i can select which category to show here with 3 dropdown menu’s.

For the english version this works wonders, but for the dutch version it filters out the english content. The slider is fine, but those colums with categories dissapear, because they are in english.
Now I found the piece of code that tells which category to render.

My question is: Is it possible to adapt the code so that the page checks if it’s in english or dutch, and when in dutch it shows the dutch counterparts of the categories?
I guess it should be possible with a if/then, but I do not know how.

Any suggestions would be helpfull!
You can find my website here:
and the code:

<?php query_posts($TECHVOCAL_CAT1NS); $loop_index = 1; if (have_posts()): ?>
    <?php while ( have_posts() ) : the_post(); ?> <?php if ($loop_index==1):?>
  • <?php the_title_attribute(); ?> <?php comments_popup_link( __( '0', 'technoise' ), __( '1', 'technoise' ), __( '%', 'technoise' ) ); ?>

    <?php the_title(); ?>

    <?php the_excerpt();?>
  • <?php else: ?>
  • <?php the_short_title(28); ?>
  • <?php endif;?> <?php $loop_index++; endwhile; ?>
<?php echo $cat_title;?> <?php endif; wp_reset_query();?>

I guess the if/then should be featured somewhere in the beginning?

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