Addthis PHP Help...

I am trying to implement the method described in this post: to get my Addthis button to act the way I need it to. I have posted on the site, but have gotten no response.

I cannot get it to work. Can anybody have a look at the code below and see if they can help? Thanks

The PHP I need to modify is:


<?php defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die(_("Access Denied.")); $html = Loader::helper('html'); $uh = Loader::helper('concrete/urls'); $bt = BlockType::getByHandle('news_list'); global $c; $rss_address = $controller->getRssUrl().'?ctID='.$ctID.'&bID='.$bID ; if (isset($_GET['pageno'])) { $pageno = $_GET['pageno']; } else { $pageno = 1; } // if ?>
<?php echo $rssTitle ?>
if (!function_exists('newslistParse')) {

	function newslistParse($url,$thumbnail,$thumbwidth,$time,$content,$title,$date){

//here we lay out they way the page looks, html with all our vars fed to it	 //
//this is the content that displays.  it is recommended not to edit anything beyond	//
//the content parse.  Feel free to structure and re-arrange any element and adjust //
//CSS as desired.									//
// available vars:  $url,$thumbnail,$thumbwidth,$time,$content,$title,$date     	 //


<?php echo $title; ?>

<?php echo $date; ?>
<?php echo $content;?>
//this is the end of the recommended content area.  please do not edit below this line //

	$db = Loader::db();

//go grab the posts, check if they are current, return only current posts
	$news = NewsCheck::getCurrentBlocks($ctID,$ordering);

//count the number of current posts returned	
	$pcount = count($news);

//if no events are returned, then we display a user defined message	
		echo $nonelistmsg;
//now calc the last page	
	$lastpage = ceil($pcount/$num);

//set the current page min max keys -1 as array key's start @ 0
	$sKey = $num * ($pageno-1) ;
	$eKey = ($num * ($pageno-1)) + ($num-1) ;

//take each current post and treat it like a query, for each one do X
	foreach($news as $key => $row){

//check for external URL, if none, rout to parent page
		$url = $row['urlLink'];
		$url = $controller->grabURL($row['cParentID']); 
//check if thumbnail is there, if so get it, if not, null
		$thumbnail = $controller->getThumbnail($row['graphic']);
		$thumbnail = NULL;
//set vars
	$time = $controller->replaceTimeString($row['nbID']);
	$date = date('l, jS F, Y');
	$title = $row['title'];
	$content = $controller->translateFrom($row['content']);
//$content = $controller->translateFrom($row['content']);
//if truncation is enabled
	if($truncateSummaries == 1){
		if (strlen($content) >= $truncateChars){
//truncate to suplied truncation value
		 //$content = substr($content,0,$truncateChars).'.....';
		 $content = wordwrap($content, $truncateChars);
	     $content = substr($content, 0, strpos($content, "\n")).'.....';

//check if paging is enabled

		//check to make sure the array key is within the range	
			if($key >= $sKey && $key <= $eKey){
//if paging is not selected, use number of items designated in the list block
				$i += 1;

		//once we reach the set number stop the script		
				if($i >= $num){ break; }	


//is iCal feed option is sellected, show it
rss feed   Get Feed
<?php }
//$c = Page::getCurrentPage();
$link = Loader::helper('navigation')->getLinkToCollection($c);
$link = $controller->URLfix($link);

//if pagination is set, if it is needed, show it	
		if ($pcount > $num) {
			echo '<div id="pagination">';
			if ($pageno == 1) {
				echo " FIRST PREV ";
			} else {
				echo '<a href="'.$link.'pageno=1">FIRST </a>';
				$prevpage = $pageno-1;
				echo '<a href="'.$link.'pageno='.$prevpage.'"> PREV</a>';
			} // if
			echo ' ( Page '.$pageno.' of '.$lastpage.' ) ';
			if ($pageno == $lastpage) {
				echo " NEXT LAST ";
			} else {
				$nextpage = $pageno+1;
				echo '<a href="'.$link.'pageno='.$nextpage.'">NEXT </a>';
				echo '<a href="'.$link.'	pageno='.$lastpage.'"> LAST</a>';
			} // if		
			echo '</div>';
if (isset($bID)) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="bID" value="'.$bID.'" />';}


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