A newbie needs help with dynamic forms

Well mine was abit overly complicated, but i wonder if it wouldnt work if you just do something like this:


<?php print($text); ?>

<?php // Includes database connection file include("db.php"); // Fetches data from html forms $title=$_POST["title"]; $text=$_POST["text"]; // Fetches data from database and prints it out $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `kontrakt` ORDER BY `id` DESC") or die(mysql_error()); $numRows = mysql_num_rows($query); for ($i=1;$i<$numRows;$i++) { $id = $data['id']; $title1 = $data['title']; $text1 = $data['text']; echo"

"; } $ok=$_POST["edit"]; if($ok) { $id=$_POST["identification"]; $sqlTestIfExists="SELECT tittel FROM kontrakt WHERE tittel='$title' AND tekst='$text'"; $testResult=mysql_query($sqlTestIfExists); if (mysql_num_rows($testResult) { $sqlEdit="UPDATE kontrakt SET tittel='$title', tekst='$text' WHERE id='$id';"; $sqlEditResult=mysql_query($sqlEdit) or die ("klarte ikke å endre på oppføring"); print("Data er nå endret"); } } // Checks if a row exists, IF it doesnt it inserts data into DB if (mysql_num_rows($testResult) < 1) { $sqlInsert="INSERT INTO kontrakt VALUES (' ','$title','$text');"; $sqlSave=mysql_query($sqlInsert) or die ("klarer ikke å lagre i databasen"); print("Data er nå lagret i databasen"); } ?>


With special emphasis on the [php]


$sqlTestIfExists=“SELECT tittel FROM kontrakt WHERE tittel=’$title’ AND tekst=’$text’”;

if (mysql_num_rows($testResult) 
		$sqlEdit="UPDATE kontrakt SET tittel='$title', tekst='$text' WHERE id='$id';";
		$sqlEditResult=mysql_query($sqlEdit) or die ("klarte ikke &aring; endre p&aring; oppf&oslash;ring");

			print("Data er n&aring; endret");


Basically, i figured out (or think i figured out) that this is the way to solve it.

I solved it like this, but alot more complicated with alot more files.

ps: i got a syntax error making the example of the solution and i couldnt be asked to solve it.

Also, thanks guys, for helping a newbie help himself :slight_smile:

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