
It has come to my attention that not everyone is taking the advantage of the CODE and PHP buttons on the toolbar when they post their topic. It is very important to use these tools to allow contributors the ability to view your code correctly as it is intended; and sometimes you yourself can actually spot your mistake early on before you post your topic when reviewing your post using the PREVIEW button.

For those who do not know what to use and how to use it, take a look at the toolbar above the textbox area when you post. Besides the text formatting section where you can bold, italicize, underline, strike, etc, on the second line, you have the ability to encapsulate your code in one of two ways, the # button will allow you to post your code using the standard coding coloration. This is useful when you are postng PHP as well as other languages like HTML, PERL, JavaScript, etc. The other button to look for is the php button which will color code your PHP as most other editors will like Dreamweaver, Notepad++, etc.

It is important to remember that encapsulating your code not only presents your code cleanly, but moreover, allows others to quickly find the problem areas of your code. This is key especially if you have a lot of code. I can’t tell you have many times I’ve been able to find my mistakes by looking at the color of the code. Not only will your code look formatted, but your post itself will not take up the whole page. The CODE and PHP code blocks encases all of your code into a manageable set width and height that will make your post shorter and easier to look at.

This post isn’t meant to force all of you to use the coding formatted buttons on this forum, but to inform you of its presence and usefulness. The format buttons are there for a reason and taking advantage of them will make your experience here all the more better.

Thank you for your time and understanding.

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