select() ->from(array('s' => 'songlist'), array('*')) ->join(array('q' => 'queuelist'), 'q.songID = s.ID', array('requestID')) ->where('s.songtype IN (?)', array('S', 'C')) //Only return song of type S ->order('q.sortID ASC') ->limit($count); $songs = array(); try { $songs = $db->fetchAll($select); } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo "Please verify database settings.
"; exit; } $comingSongs = array(); foreach ($songs as $songKey => $song) { $comingSongs[$songKey] = new self(); $comingSongs[$songKey]->setValues($song); } return $comingSongs; } public static function getCurrentSong() { if (count(self::$songs) == 0) { self::getRecentSongs(); } reset(self::$songs); return current(self::$songs); } public static function getRecentSongs() { if (count(self::$songs) == 0) { $db = Database::getInstance(); // Return songs from the history table; $select = $db->select() ->from(array('s' => 'songlist'), array('*')) ->join(array('h' => 'historylist'), 'h.songID = s.ID', array('listeners', 'requestID', 'starttime' => 'date_played')) ->joinLeft(array('r' => 'requestlist'), ' = h.requestID', array('dedicationName' => 'name', 'dedicationMessage' => 'msg')) ->columns($db->quoteInto('(SELECT `session` FROM songrating WHERE songid = s.ID AND `session` = ?) AS session', session_id())) ->where('s.songtype IN (?)', array('S', 'C')) //Only return song of type S ->order('h.date_played DESC') ->limit(HISTORY_COUNT + 1); $songs = array(); try { $songs = $db->fetchAll($select); } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo "Please verify database settings.
"; exit; } foreach ($songs as $songKey => $song) { self::$songs[$songKey] = new self(); self::$songs[$songKey]->setValues($song); } } return array_slice(self::$songs, 1, HISTORY_COUNT); } public static function getTopRequestedArtists() { $db = Database::getInstance(); try { $select = $db->select() ->from(array('r' => 'requestlist'), array('cnt' => 'count(songID)')) ->join(array('s' => 'songlist'), 's.ID = r.songID', array('artist' => 's.artist')) ->where('r.code = 200') ->group(array('s.artist')); switch (get_class($db)) { case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mssql': case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv': $select->where('DATEDIFF(day, r.t_stamp, GETDATE()) <= ?', REQUEST_DAYS); break; case 'ZendX_Db_Adapter_Firebird': $select->where('DATEDIFF(day, r.t_stamp, CURRENT_DATE) <= ?', REQUEST_DAYS); break; case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli' : $select->where('DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE, r.t_stamp) <= ?', REQUEST_DAYS); break; case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql': default: $select->where('(CURRENT_DATE - CAST(r.t_stamp AS DATE)) <= ?', REQUEST_DAYS); } $select->order('cnt DESC') ->limit(TOP_REQUEST_COUNT); $songs = $db->fetchAll($select); } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo "Please verify database settings.
"; exit; } return $songs; } public static function getTopRequestedSongs() { $db = Database::getInstance(); try { $sub_select = $db->select() ->from(array('r' => 'requestlist'), array('cnt' => 'count(songID)')) ->where('s.ID = r.songID') ->where('r.code = 200') ->group(array('r.songID')); $select = $db->select() ->distinct(true) ->from(array('s' => 'songlist'), array('ID', 'songtype', 'date_played', 'duration', 'artist', 'title', 'album', 'albumyear', 'genre', 'website', 'buycd', 'picture', 'date_artist_played', 'date_album_played', 'date_title_played', 'cnt' => new Zend_Db_Expr('('.$sub_select->__toString().')'))) ->join(array('r' => 'requestlist'), 'r.songID = s.ID', array()) ->where('r.code = 200'); switch (get_class($db)) { case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mssql': case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Sqlsrv': $select->where('DATEDIFF(day, r.t_stamp, GETDATE()) <= ?', REQUEST_DAYS); break; case 'ZendX_Db_Adapter_Firebird': $select->where('DATEDIFF(day, r.t_stamp, CURRENT_DATE) <= ?', REQUEST_DAYS); break; case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Mysqli' : $select->where('DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE, r.t_stamp) <= ?', REQUEST_DAYS); break; case 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql': default: $select->where('(CURRENT_DATE - CAST(r.t_stamp AS DATE)) <= ?', REQUEST_DAYS); } $select->order('cnt DESC') ->limit(TOP_REQUEST_COUNT); $songs = $db->fetchAll($select); } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo "Please verify database settings.
"; exit; } $topRequestedSongs = array(); foreach ($songs as $songKey => $song) { $topRequestedSongs[$songKey] = new self(); $topRequestedSongs[$songKey]->setValues($song); } return $topRequestedSongs; } public static function getPlaylistSongs($search_words, $sort_letter, $start, $limit) { //Set some bounds if ($start <= 0) { $start = 0; } if ($limit <= 5) { $limit = 5; } $db = Database::getInstance(); $select_where = $db->select(); $select_where->where('songtype = ?', 'S') ->where('status = ?', 0); if (is_array($search_words)) { reset($search_words); $search = implode(' ', $search_words); $select_where->where('MATCH(artist,album,title) AGAINST (?)', $search) ->limit($limit, $start); /*while (list($key, $val) = each($search_words)) { $val = "%$val%"; $orWhere[] = $db->quoteInto('(title like ?)', $val) . ' OR ' . $db->quoteInto('(artist like ?)', $val) . ' OR ' . $db->quoteInto('(album like ?)', $val); } $select_where->where(implode(' OR ', $orWhere)); */ } if ($sort_letter == '0 - 9') { $select_where->where($db->quoteInto('NOT((artist>=?)', 'A') . ' AND ' . $db->quoteInto('(artistwhere($db->quoteInto('(artist>=?)', $sort_letter) . ' AND ' . $db->quoteInto('(artistfrom('songlist', array('cnt' => 'count(*)')); try { $row = $db->fetchRow($total_select); } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo "Please verify database settings.
"; exit; } self::$playlistSongCount = $row['CNT']; //Now grab a section of that $playlist_select = $select_where; if (is_array($search_words)) { $select_where->from('songlist', array ( '*', 'relevance' => $db->quoteInto('MATCH(songlist.artist,album,title) AGAINST (?)', $search)) ) ->order('relevance DESC'); } else { $playlist_select->from('songlist') ->order(array('artist ASC', 'album ASC', 'title ASC')) ->limit($limit, $start); } try { $rows = $db->fetchAll($playlist_select); $songs = array(); foreach ($rows as $key => $row) { $songs[$key] = new self(); $songs[$key]->setValues($row); } } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo "Please verify database settings.
"; exit; } return $songs; } public static function checkSongChange($songID) { $db = Database::getInstance(); try { $select = $db->select() ->from(array('s' => 'historylist'), array('songID')) ->order('date_played DESC') ->limit(1); $song = $db->fetchRow($select); if ($song["SONGID"] <> $songID) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo ""; exit; } } public static function getPlaylistSongCount() { return self::$playlistSongCount; } public static function getSong($songID) { $db = Database::getInstance(); try { $select = $db->select() ->from(array('s' => 'songlist')) ->columns('('.$db->quoteInto('SELECT `session` FROM songrating WHERE songid = s.ID AND `session` = ?', session_id()).') AS session') ->where('ID = ?', $songID); $row = $db->fetchRow($select); if (!is_null($row)) { $song = new self(); $song->setValues($row); } } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo "Please verify database settings.
"; exit; } return $song; } public static function getRequestedSong($requestID) { $db = Database::getInstance(); try { $select = $db->select() ->from(array('s' => 'songlist'), array('s.*', 'songID' => 's.ID', 'requestID' => 'r.ID',)) ->join(array('r' => 'requestlist'), 's.ID = r.songID', array('dedicationName' => 'name', 'dedicationMessage' => 'msg')) ->where('r.ID = ?', $requestID); $row = $db->fetchRow($select); if (!is_null($row)) { $song = new self(); $song->setValues($row); } } catch (Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $ex) { echo "Please verify database settings.
"; exit; } return $song; } public function setValues($songinfo) { $properties = get_class_vars(get_class($this)); $methods = get_class_methods($this); unset($methods[array_search('setValues', $methods)]); //use set_xxx methods to set object properties foreach ($methods as $method) { preg_match("/^set_(.*)/", $method, $matches); if (count($matches) > 0) { $this->$method($songinfo); } } //Now set the remaining properties that matches they key of the songinfo array foreach ($properties as $propertyKey => $propertyValue) { $propertyKeyUpper = strtoupper($propertyKey); if (isset($songinfo[$propertyKeyUpper]) && !is_null($songinfo[$propertyKeyUpper]) && is_null($this->$propertyKey)) { $this->$propertyKey = $songinfo[$propertyKeyUpper]; } } return $this; } protected function set_date_played($song) { if ($song['DATE_PLAYED'] instanceof DateTime) { $date_played = $song['DATE_PLAYED']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $date_played = $song['DATE_PLAYED']; } $this->date_played = $date_played; } protected function set_date_artist_played($song) { if ($song['DATE_ARTIST_PLAYED'] instanceof DateTime) { $date_artist_played = $song['DATE_ARTIST_PLAYED']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $date_artist_played = $song['DATE_ARTIST_PLAYED']; } $this->date_artist_played = $date_artist_played; } protected function set_date_album_played($song) { if ($song['DATE_ALBUM_PLAYED'] instanceof DateTime) { $date_album_played = $song['DATE_ALBUM_PLAYED']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $date_album_played = $song['DATE_ALBUM_PLAYED']; } $this->date_album_played = $date_album_played; } protected function set_date_title_played($song) { if ($song['DATE_TITLE_PLAYED'] instanceof DateTime) { $date_title_played = $song['DATE_TITLE_PLAYED']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $date_title_played = $song['DATE_TITLE_PLAYED']; } $this->date_title_played = $date_title_played; } protected function set_date_added($song) { if ($song['DATE_ADDED'] instanceof DateTime) { $date_added = $song['DATE_ADDED']->format('Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $date_added = $song['DATE_ADDED']; } $this->date_added = $date_added; } protected function set_buycd($song) { if (empty($song['BUYCD'])) { $data = ''; $buycd = FillData($song, $data); } else { $buycd = $song['BUYCD']; } $this->buycd = $buycd; } protected function set_website($song) { $website = null; //Make a link to search for the artist homepage if (empty($song['WEBSITE'])) { $data = ''; $website = FillData($song, $data); } else { $website = trim($song['WEBSITE']); preg_match('/^((http[s]?):\/\/)?/', $website, $matches); if (empty($matches[0])) { $website = 'http://' . $website; } } $this->website = $website; } protected function set_picture($song) { $picture = PICTURE_URL_NA; if (!empty($song['PICTURE'])) { $picture = PICTURE_URL . $song['PICTURE']; $this->haspicture = true; } $this->picture = $picture; } protected function set_artist_title($song) { //Make Artist+Tile combination if (!empty($song['ARTIST']) && !empty($song['TITLE'])) { $artist_title = $song['ARTIST'] . ' - ' . $song['TITLE']; } elseif (!empty($song['TITLE'])) { $artist_title = $song['TITLE']; } else { //If both Artist and Title is empty, use filename $path_parts = pathinfo($song['FILENAME']); $artist_title = $path_parts['filename']; //Requires PHP 5.2.0 } $this->artist_title = $artist_title; } protected function set_album($song) { $this->album = $song['ALBUM']; } protected function set_durationDisplay($song) { $dur = $song["DURATION"]; if (is_numeric($dur) && $dur > 0) { $ss = round($song["DURATION"] / 1000); $mm = (int) ($ss / 60); $ss = ($ss % 60); if ($ss < 10) { $ss = "0$ss"; } $durDisplay = "$mm:$ss"; } else { $durDisplay = ""; } $this->durationDisplay = $durDisplay; } protected function set_isDedication($song) { $isDedication = false; if (isset($song['REQUESTID']) && $song['REQUESTID'] > 0) { if (!empty($song['DEDICATIONNAME'])) { $isDedication = true; $this->dedicationName = $song['DEDICATIONNAME']; $this->dedicationMessage = $song['DEDICATIONMESSAGE']; } } $this->isDedication = $isDedication; } protected function set_isRequested($song) { $isRequested = false; if (isset($song['REQUESTID']) && $song['REQUESTID'] > 0) { $this->requestID = $song['REQUESTID']; $isRequested = true; } $this->isRequested = $isRequested; } }