/************* Membership V2.0 *******************/ /* Released by AwesomePHP.com, under the GPL License, a copy of it should be attached to the zip file, or you can view it on http://AwesomePHP.com/gpl.txt */ /************* Membership V2.0 *******************/ Step 1: ------- Update headers/database.php file with the correct information and upload extras/database.sql manually or use install.php. Step 2: ------- Go to: Membership/admin/index.php and login with: Username: admin Password: admin2008 Update site configuration to your specification. Step 3: ------- Insure you CHMOD: extras/question.txt All fdaccess files (location depends on group) TO 700, so no one can access them or place them under Public Folder (wwwrooot/public_html/etc..). Step 4: ------- Implement the following files on your site: register.php login.php forgotpass.php profile.php upgrade.php logout.php ******************IMPORTANT NOTICE************************ - Each one of the 6 above files contain ONLY the HTML to display the info. You MUST include each file's extensions on top-most of the page you are implementing it on. - If you are not implementing this script into your current application, then simply uncomment the : require_once('extensions/file.php'); in each of the above 6 files. *********************************************************** Payment processing used at the moment are Paypal/2Checkout. Have fun.. Contact us for any help or if you simply want to give us ideas to improve this script or to start working on a new script. Email: itnnetwork@gmail.com (Paypal Donations also appreciated). Please note that we do not provide support, however, we can answer your questions on forums like webhostingtalk.com and forums.digitalpoint.com.