help with users/members script

[php] $result=mysql_query(“select * from users limit $from ,10”);[/php]

fixed it thank you. next thing i need help with is installing and integrating ajaxim to my site if you would be so kind to help me.

First you should change your site to use PDO or mysqli and parameterized queries, atm you’re vulnerable to sql injection.

Oh, and you shouldn’t store plain text passwords, please hash them :wink:

no idea what any of that means. i just paid someone to write the script for me. i told him what i wanted and he created it for me in php and mysql

Id find a new developer. You cant put this code live before its fixed.

i not got any money to pay anyone hence why i am on here.

@JimL right, if you can’t afford to hire a decent developer, then you should take the time to learn how to code it yourself properly.

Follow his advice, he’s a very talented individual. Theirs a lot of different tutorial on the web that teaches you, just make sure you’re using a current tutorial and something that’s not outdated.

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