php - change password bug

Hey guys,

I create this code to change the user password.

But the “CurrentPassword” is not working with the NEw Password & Re-New Password.

So, if you put the New password & Re-Newpassword the code change the password and dont need the “Current Password”.

Can someone tell me where i’m wrong?.. I’m confused…

[php] $currentPassword = preg_replace(’/\s+/’, ‘’, $_POST[‘currentPassword’]);
$newPassword = preg_replace(’/\s+/’, ‘’, $_POST[‘newPassword’]);
$ConfirmPassword = preg_replace(’/\s+/’, ‘’, $_POST[‘ConfirmPassword’]);
$oldpass = IrBuscarPassword($_SESSION[‘user’][‘username’]);
$saltcode = IrBuscarSalt($_SESSION[‘user’][‘username’]);
$change = False;

		$formEncriptedPass = hash('sha256', $currentPassword . $saltcode); 
			for($round = 0; $round < 65536; $round++) 
				$formEncriptedPass = hash('sha256', $formEncriptedPass . $saltcode); 
		//Check if the password is on DB
		if($oldpass != $formEncriptedPass)
		//Check if is 6 caracters				
			if(strlen($_POST['currentPassword']) < 6)
				echo "<div class='warning'><span class='icon-warning'></span><span class='mls'> Your password should contain at least 6 characters.</span></div>";
			} else {
		//Check if the password is correct
			echo "<div class='warning'><span class='icon-warning'></span><span class='mls'> Your Current Password is incorrect.</span></div>";

		//Check if the password is 6 caracters
		if(strlen($_POST['newPassword']) < 6)
				echo "<div class='warning'><span class='icon-warning'></span><span class='mls'> Your New-Password should contain at least 6 characters.</span></div>";
			} else 
			//Verify & Confirm 			
					if($newPassword == '' || !isset($newPassword))
					$change = False;
					if($ConfirmPassword == $newPassword) 
						//changing for the new password
						$change = True;
						changePass($newPassword, $_SESSION['user']['username']);
						echo "<div class='success'><span class='icon-success'></span> Your password has been successfully changed.<span class='mls'> </span></div>";
					} else {
						//Error do not match
						$change = False;
						echo "<div class='warning'><span class='icon-warning'></span> The New-Password do not match.<span class='mls'> </span></div>";

Your whole code is junk and insecure. You need to trash it and start from scratch with current coding standards.

humm how can i do it?

Look into password_hash and password_verify, it’s very simple so your code will be much much shorter.

To save you a little time, here is a short tutorial on how to handle those functions: ( Might Help! )

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