Hello There

Hi, I can’t believe I haven’t stumbled upon this site yet, given how blatant the name is.

I really hope the community here is nicer than the elitist horde on another site which will remain nameless… but rhymes with “Back Overgrow”

As with most if not all new people, I am here looking for help, but I do hope to have the opportunity to offer help to others in the future.


I hate that site, you ask a basic question you get berated. You post a link to you site to show people where the issue is and they lock you out for link spamming.

Took the words right out of my mouth!

Somebody wanted to adjust the size of a lightbox so i posted up a solution by tweaking the existing jquery code. The OP was happy as the fix worked and my answer was accepted. Then suddenly someone posts up that it didn’t work for them and subsequently the ridicule began. I didn’t know how to answer as the code i posted was working right in front of my eyes!!

Dumbasses over there, you’re better off here where we all try to remember we were beginners once.

Welcome to the forums :wink:

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