My redirect user back to previoud url is not working

I am working on local machine on a projet and i want to redirect user back to their previous after they have logged in.I tried myself based on research over internet, but no success. If somebody could help; will appreciate…Here are my code.

[php]if (!isset($_SESSION[“user_id”])) {
header(“Location:”. urlencode($_SERVER[“REQUEST_URI”]));


Email : ' /><?php if(isset($errEmail) ){echo $errEmail;} ?>

Mot de passe : <?php if(isset($pwdErr)){ echo $pwdErr;} ?>


[/php] [b][/b] [php]if(array_key_exists('login', $_POST)){ $redirect = NULL; if($_POST['location'] != '') { $redirect = $_POST['location']; }
if (empty($_POST["email"])) {
$errEmail = "Enter your email";

} else {
$email = trim($_POST[“email”]);
// check if e-mail address is well-formed
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$errEmail = "Invalid email ";

if (empty($_POST[‘userpwd’])) {
$pwdErr = “Entrer votre mot de passe”;
$userpwd = sha1($_POST[‘userpwd’]).$_POST[‘userpwd’];

if(empty($errEmail) && empty($pwdErr) ){

if(isset($pdo) ){
$sql = ‘SELECT userid, gender,nameuser FROM users WHERE = :email AND users.userpwd = :userpwd’;
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(’:email’, $email);
$stmt->bindValue(’:userpwd’, $userpwd);
$rowscount = $stmt->rowCount();

if(isset($rowscount) && $rowscount < 1 ){
$err = 'Mot de passe ou nom d\' utilisateur incorrect';


foreach($result = $stmt->fetchAll() as $row){
$_SESSION['user_id'] = $row['userid'];
$_SESSION['gender'] = $row['gender'];
$_SESSION['nameuser'] = $row['nameuser'];
}  //end foreach

if (isset($redirect)) {
 header("Location:". $redirect);

//end of redirect header

}catch (PDOException $e) {
$errors[] = “Eror in script”.$e->getMessage();


}//end of check error

}//end of post

My issue is when i fill the login form with the right details…the page should redirect to sell.php instead it stays on the login page with this url in browser [php]:http://localhost/projet-fembuleuse/html/[/php]

You are using the wrong constant.

REQUEST_URI is the page they requested.
HTTP_REFERER is the page that sent them there. However, the referring page may not always be available.

[member=72272]astonecipher[/member] so what i should do then?

Which $_SERVER constant are you using currently? Which did I say that you should probably be using?

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