How to handle uploading pages to site.

I have a website - for listing properties. Is it possible to create an administrator page - so that when I log in as administrator I can access this page, fill in some form fields and hit submit - which would translate this page into the website, at the top of the listings (ie).

I’m trying to make sense of this question…

Basically, without having to build a new page everytime. Can I have a dummy page with all of the html markup - populate it, then hit ‘update’ to add this new entity to my listings page?

Can PHP do this?


Is there any reason you are not using a CMS for this, being as that is what they are intended for?

I currently use concrete5 for another website I maintain - and for its purpose, cms works great - updating portfolio, news feeds etc. I feel there are design limitations with cms, but this could very well be because I don’t know enough.

I am redesigning the front-end of this property listing site which is heavily based on php. I know there has to be some sort of system in place already that handles the new entries. I am having a meeting with the designers of the original site in order to determine what I need ‘behind the scenes’.

I wanted to present this ‘system’ to easily manage new entries. I can imagine the headache of having to create a new page - add it to the listings in the site, and manage/shuffle links pagination etc.

Need a heads up before the meeting! Can a php ‘dummy’ form be used to populate a new page into an existing site and automatically add it to the listings page, dropping all others down, increasing pagination etc.

Or is this all done manually???

It would be nice if you could sketch out what you’re describing here.

How I read it:

Some form Label [input field] Label [input field] Label [input field] Label [input field] [ save button ]

The form is filled out and submitted by the user

then on your listings page you want something like this

[code]Last listing title
Last listing short text
Last listing link (to full listing)

Second last listing title
Second last listing short text
Second last listing link (to full listing)

[ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ][/code]

If so then yes, nothing special about this. But it’s incredibly hard to answer as you don’t say how the listings are built atm.

Are they saved in a database? If so it’s just to insert a new listing based on the filled out form.

If they are static (hard coded into the listings page), then you should move them into a database, and insert new listings using the data from the form. There is no create_pagination function in PHP, but you can surely find scripts and classes for this. It’s somewhat trivial to make yourself though.

Hopefully I didn’t misunderstand what the OP was about :stuck_out_tongue:

If I was going to handle this, I would use the Yii framework. The CRUD implementation, pagination, and administrative side is pretty much taken care of for you. Then you just have to design the templates and you have it.

A little more work than described, but in broad strokes that is it.

Why Yii? Laravel or Symfony seem like the obvious choices as they are huge, both framework wise and community wise.

Still kinda depends if OP have a working site already. If so then adding a form and pagination on a page is much much simpler than converting to any framework.

There are several frameworks that can handle it as what is needed is pretty basic. I like how Yii is very similar to RoR. So, Yii is only a personal choice that I would use and does not infer anything about the other frameworks capabilities.

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