Forgot password not setting the right password

Hi, sorry it’s me again :-[
(Sorry for bad english)
So, i’ve learned quite a bit about PhP, but my code is not working very well…
I was helped by somebody else but i couldn’t finish the work as i see

Actually, it’s working quite good : you enter your e-mail, you got the code, you change the password…
But the password change to another one, not the same that i set. I just can’t connect anymore (with my old and new password).
I tried to put some text for you to not get lost, as it’s in french


/* Connecting to DDB */
$bdd = CENSORED (connection to DDB)

if(isset($_GET[‘section’])) {

$section = htmlspecialchars($_GET[‘section’]);

} else {

$section = “”;

/* Verifying and sending e-mail (email not working yet) */
if(isset($_POST[‘recup_submit’],$_POST[‘recup_mail’])) {
if(!empty($_POST[‘recup_mail’])) {
$recup_mail = htmlspecialchars($_POST[‘recup_mail’]);
if(filter_var($recup_mail,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$mailexist = $bdd->prepare(‘SELECT id,username FROM users WHERE mail = ?’);
$mailexist_count = $mailexist->rowCount();
if($mailexist_count == 1) {
$username = $mailexist->fetch();
$username = $username[‘username’];

        $_SESSION['recup_mail'] = $recup_mail;
        $recup_code = "";
        for($i=0; $i < 8; $i++) { 
           $recup_code .= mt_rand(0,9);
        $mail_recup_exist = $bdd->prepare('SELECT id FROM recuperation WHERE mail = ?');
        $mail_recup_exist = $mail_recup_exist->rowCount();
        if($mail_recup_exist == 1) {
           $recup_insert = $bdd->prepare('UPDATE recuperation SET code = ? WHERE mail = ?');
        } else {
           $recup_insert = $bdd->prepare('INSERT INTO recuperation(mail,code) VALUES (?, ?)');
        $header="MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
     $header.='From:"mreleyox"<[email protected]>'."\n";
     $header.='Content-Type:text/html; charset="utf-8"'."\n";
     $header.='Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit';
     $message = '
       <title>Récupération de mot de passe - OPNC</title>
       <meta charset="utf-8" />
       <font color="#303030";>
         <div align="center">
           <table width="600px">
                 <div align="center">Bonjour <b>'.$username.'</b>,</div>
                 Voici votre code de récupération: <b>'.$recup_code.'</b>
                 A bientôt  !
               <td align="center">
                 <font size="2">
                   Ceci est un email automatique, merci de ne pas y répondre
     mail($recup_mail, "Récupération de mot de passe - OPNC", $message, $header);
     } else {
        $error = "Cette adresse mail n'est pas enregistrée";
  } else {
     $error = "Adresse mail invalide";

} else {
$error = “Veuillez entrer votre adresse mail”;
/* The user get a code by email, he need it to get to the password reset. /
if(isset($_POST[‘verif_submit’],$_POST[‘verif_code’])) {
if(!empty($_POST[‘verif_code’])) {
$verif_code = htmlspecialchars($_POST[‘verif_code’]);
$verif_req = $bdd->prepare(‘SELECT id FROM recuperation WHERE mail = ? AND code = ?’);
$verif_req = $verif_req->rowCount();
if($verif_req == 1) {
$up_req = $bdd->prepare(‘UPDATE recuperation SET confirme = 1 WHERE mail = ?’);
} else {
$error = “Code invalide”;
} else {
$error = “Veuillez entrer votre code de confirmation”;
There, the user is supposed to enter his new password. */
if(isset($_POST[‘change_submit’])) {
if(isset($_POST[‘change_mdp’],$_POST[‘change_mdpc’])) {
$verif_confirme = $bdd->prepare(‘SELECT confirme FROM recuperation WHERE mail = ?’);
$verif_confirme = $verif_confirme->fetch();
$verif_confirme = $verif_confirme[‘confirme’];
if($verif_confirme == 1) {
$mdp = htmlspecialchars($_POST[‘change_mdp’]);
$mdpc = htmlspecialchars($_POST[‘change_mdpc’]);
if(!empty($mdp) AND !empty($mdpc)) {
if($mdp == $mdpc) {
$mdp = sha1($mdp);
$ins_mdp = $bdd->prepare(‘UPDATE users SET password = ? WHERE mail = ?’);
$del_req = $bdd->prepare(‘DELETE FROM recuperation WHERE mail = ?’);
} else {
$error = “Vos mots de passes ne correspondent pas”;
} else {
$error = “Veuillez remplir tous les champs”;
} else {
$error = “Veuillez valider votre mail grâce au code de vérification qui vous a été envoyé par mail”;
} else {
$error = “Veuillez remplir tous les champs”;

Récupération de mot de passe

<?php if($section == 'code') { ?> Un code de vérification vous a été envoyé par mail: <?= $_SESSION['recup_mail'] ?>

<?php } elseif($section == "changemdp") { ?> Nouveau mot de passe pour <?= $_SESSION['recup_mail'] ?>

<?php } else { ?>
<?php } ?> <?php if(isset($error)) { echo ''.$error.''; } else { echo ""; } ?>[/php]

Here is the way it should work :

  • The user click on “Forgot my password”
  • He is asked to put his e-mail, the code check if the e-mail is registered in “users”
  • The user get a mail with the confirmation code (i take mine in the database as the e-mail is not working yet)
  • He put the code. If it works, he is asked to change his password (password and password confirm)
  • When done, he is redirected to login.php where he can connect
    The error is, as i said, that the password change into something incorrect, and i have no idea why.

My “users” sql got :
(Those are the columns names)

My “recuperation” sql got:

Hope you can help me, thanks you very much !

The error is, as i said, that the password change into something incorrect

What value are you getting and what value did you expect? We are not there with you and don’t know what you consider to be an incorrect value.

And, if you are getting something that looks like a sha1() hash, that’s because that is what your code is doing to the password. Your code should actually be using php’s password_hash() and password_verify() functions, not sha1().

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