Display images on PHP website page

Hi I’m new to PHP, at the moment I have to create an ecommerce website and I’m having trouble displaying the images on the products page I have a table called products and in the table is a column called img which has the direct path to the image for example C:/xampp/htdocs/Online_Shopping/Online_Shopping/itempics/1.jpg is one variables in the img colum , but whenever I run the page no images are displayed however the product price and name are displayed here’s my code


Apple Desktops



$sel=mysql_query(“select * from products where catg=’$catg’ and subcatg=’$subcatg’”);

echo “”;
echo " "; $n++;

echo "

Price:R “.$arr[‘product_price’].




Forget about that. You are using obsolete insecure dangerous code that has been completely removed from Php. You need to use PDO with prepared statements. https://phpdelusions.net/pdo

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